三菱IGBT变频器CM75DY-24H 北京俱众诚电子技术有限公司 大量现货库存,可来我验验货,提货,真实库存。确保原厂原装,假一罚十承诺。国内优势型号。李先生:15810866026
Powerex IGBTMOD™ Modules
are designed for use in switching
applications. Each module consists
of two IGBT Transistors in a
half-bridge configuration with each
transistor having a reverse-
connected super-fast recovery
free-wheel diode. All components
and interconnects are isolated
from the heat sinking baseplate,
offering simplified system assembly
and thermal management.
□Low Drive Power
□Low VCE(sat)
□Discrete Super-Fast Recovery(135ns) Free-Wheel Diode
□High Frequency Operation(20-25kHz)
□Baseplate for Easy Heat Sinkin