全自動折合型裝箱機(又名一片裹包機、開裝封箱一體機)該設備特點就是開箱裝箱封箱在一台機械上完成,占地面積小,品質可靠,穩定性高,速度快,降低包裝成本,能適應各種產品。該技術的開發是從根本上改變了裝箱機的原理與整機機構,使其能夠更好的適應瓶子與箱子形狀與尺寸,降低故障,更好的使紙箱成型、產品的排列、裝箱、折邊、噴膠或膠帶、 封箱等後道包裝工序的連續自動一起合成。產品主要用於:白酒、果酒、制藥、洗滌液、調味品、保健品、藥品、化妝品、食品、啤酒、飲料等行業的生產線。瓶罐袋等產品均可適應。
Automatic folding type packing machine (also known as a binding machine, sealing one open loading machine) is most characteristic of the device out of the box sealing packing machine in a complete, small footprint, reliable quality, high stability speed, lower packaging costs, to adapt to a variety of products.The technology development is a fundamental change in the packing Machine and machine organization to enable it to better adapt to the shape and size of bottles and boxes, reducing failures, and better enable carton forming, product arrangement, equipment boxes, folding, gluing, or adhesive tape, sealing and other packaging process after the Road with continuous automatic synthesis.Products are mainly used for: liquor, wine, pharmaceutical, washing liquid, spices, health products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, beer, beverage production line. Bottle bags and other products can be adapted.