全自動開箱機自動完成打開紙箱、折和成形底折葉自動曲,並現時完成下部分膠帶或熱熔粘貼,將壓成型疊成紙板自動打開,箱子底部按一定程式折合,並用膠帶或熱熔膠密封後輸送給裝箱機的專用設備。本機採用P.L.C 顯示幕控制,大大方便操作、管理、減少生產人員和勞動強度,是自動化規模生產必不可少的設備。自動糾正正直角度,準確無誤地將箱子推開大小紙箱調整方法簡單,紙箱適用範圍廣。清潔,準確,輕觸,操作方便,降低包裝成本。單機或線上式均可。
Automatic machine automatically open the carton box, folding and forming the bottom leaves off automatic song, and complete the next part of the existing tape or hot melt glue, molding quartet built cardboard will automatically open a certain program equivalent to the bottom of the box, and tape or After the hot melt sealing packing machine conveyor to special equipment. The machine adopts PLC touch screen controls, greatly facilitate the operation, management, and reduce production and labor intensity, is essential for automated mass production equipment. Automatically correct the integrity point of view, accurate adjustment of the box open the carton size is simple and applicable to a wide range of cartons. Clean, accurate, touch, easy to operate and reduce packaging costs. Stand-alone or online style can be.