ETFE是乙烯和四氟乙烯1:1交替共聚物。ETFE熔点为518F,密度为1.70g/CC。 ETFE是一种从低温到356F具有高抗冲性和机械性能好的坚韧的材料。耐化学品性能、电性能和耐候性与 ECTFE相似,与全氟聚合物相近。该聚合物暴露在火焰中会熔化和分解。 ETFE可制成用于挤塑和模塑的粒料,及用于旋转模塑、流化床和静电涂饰的粉末。半成品有膜、棒、管和单纤维。美国市场销售的ETFE有Du Poutl公司的Tefzel牌、Ansimont USA公司的Hyflon牌、Daikin公司的Neoflon牌。在电线和电缆的应用有飞机用挂钓线、公共交通车和计算机上的背板。注塑产品有泵、间和其它化工设备的部件,包装物,塔填料,电器零件。
Fluon®ETFE is a thermoplastic fluoropolymer developed by Asahi Glass. It is a copolymer comprising of tetrafluoroethylene (C2F4) and ethylene (C2H4). Fluon®ETFE is a balanced fluoropolymer that has chemical resistance and electrical properties comparable to typical fluoropolymer, such as PTFE, PFA and FEP and also is more progressive than ECTFE or PVdF with its improved mechanical strength and very easy mldability.
We are convinced that Fluon®ETFE offers customers the best solution, such as cost reduction compared to the use of other fluoropolymers, or shifting from conventional materials.