Best suited for Industrial robots,Press machines, NC machine tools, Textile machines,etc. Features
- The smallest and lightest in the industry.
Super-compact design achived by downsizing our existing motors by 25% ; in case of 750W motors. - Equipped with a sensor Smartsyn (a brushless resolver) usable in demanding enviroments.
- High reliability
- Vibration/shock ( Resolver ) : 196m/sec2(20G) / 980m / sec2(100G)
- Satisfies overseas industrial standards. Possible to conform with UL,CE standards.
- Reduces the setting time for positioning by 50% by enhancing control algorithm.
TBL-iⅡ AC伺服马达小功率段(主要有50W,100W,200W,400W,750W) 适用于固晶机、焊线机、喷胶机、多轴机械人、取出臂机械手、PCB成型钻孔机、包装机、半导体设备等 特点: ●搭载高解析度17bit ABS编码器(13万脉冲,绝对值),后期开放版本将有21bit的高端配置 ●缩短整定时间,高速整定时间可以控制在4ms以下,远远领先竞争品牌 ●多摩川多功能专用调试软件,适合智能调试 ●支持IP65(除接线部位,轴贯通部) ●适用于各种产业机械和高速加工设备 ●日本原装稀土永磁材料,电机扭矩大,过载能力高 |