§ K line (ISO9141-2)
§ High-speed CAN (ISO 11898-2)
§ Low-speed CAN (ISO 11898-3)
§ J1850 (SAE J1850)
可以直接在VAS 5054A里面处理车辆协议。这样可以确保快速反应和可靠的实时性能,而不用依赖于电脑系统。每一次建立连接时,VAS 5054A的软件都随着安装在电脑应用程序上的版本同步更新。因此,当一个新的软件版本在电脑应用程序上安装后,VAS 5054A可以自动适应任何新特征。
诊断应用程序和相关的诊断基础系统安装在电脑应用程序里。诊断基础系统可以通过蓝牙或USB进入VAS 5054A。
当一个与VAS 5054A的连接建立后,蓝牙的软件会提供一个虚拟的串口。诊断基础系统就通过这个串口连接到VAS 5054A。当你安装诊断应用程序时,你需要对这个串口做特别说明。
你也可以通过所提供的USB线把VAS 5054A连接到电脑应用程序上。
窗口通过接头检测VAS 5054A,并且在你安装诊断应用程序时自动安装光驱。这样VAS 5054A的安装就完整了,随时准备投入使用到诊断应用程序中去
大众奥迪诊断仪不同于目前市面上销售的诊断线5053 /VAG COM/ VCDS是真正的大众奥迪 维修站使用的诊断仪,特点如下:
1.比目前大众奥迪等维修站使用的VAS 5051B成本更低使用笔记本作为诊断工具平台而不是 VAS 5053专用的西门子诊断平台。
2.产品结构简单,只用一个诊断适配器和一个电脑连线即可实现原来VAS 5051B的所有功能
3.使用VAS PC诊断软件功能及诊断界面菜单结构与原VAS 5051 B完全相同
1,如果出现"一个系统上只允许有一个VAS PC诊断软件范例"的提示,请在任务管理器里面结束adm.exe admint~1.exe gfs.exe gfsflash.exe met.exe vasegd.exe这个进程,然后重新运行软件.如还不行,重新启动计算机即可。另外第一次进入软件,请进入后点右下角的 "管理"点第四行的"输入车间代码",按提示输入任意数字和字符,注意如果这里没有输入,车辆自诊断就不会显示出来。
3,如果你购买的是带蓝牙的,则相对来说需要更多的设置。下面是操作步骤。,进入控制面板,打印机和其他硬件,BLUETOOTH 设备,进入设置。
(如果你是安装的外置的蓝牙,则必须先安装好蓝牙及其驱动程序,直到控制面板里面有蓝牙设置的选项。)点 设备,点添加,勾上“我的设备已经设置并且准备好”,点下一步,稍等一下就会出来5054的硬件,选择它,点下一步,选择“使用文档中找到的密码”,输入5054A硬件的蓝牙密码。这样蓝牙连接就匹配好了。匹配完毕后会出来一个类似COM3,COM4的提示,记住第一个也就是COM号最小的那个。点击桌面的 EDIC Hardware Installation 添加端口,选择刚才出来的那个最小的COM口号码。添加完成后就可以使用蓝牙连接了。
1.VAS 5054A for VW AUDI
2.vas 5054a Upgrade V18 version
3.vas 5054a English,Germany,Spanish language
4.vas 5054a Bluetooth
Latest VAS 5054A V18
VAS 5054A Product Description
The lastest VAS 5054A remote Diagnosis Head Provides Volkswagen diagnostic application with easy-to-use wireless access to the onboard vehicle system.
With its compact design, its integrated diagnostic connector and its wireless connection via bluetooth, the VAS 5054A is the perfect choice for servicing,production and road tests in particular.
VAS 5054A Special features:
Bluetooth and USB interface to the PC.
Housing with integrated diagnostic connecotr.
Reliable and efficient handing of diagnostic protocols in the VAS5054A.
Power supplied by vehicle,thus saving notebook batter power during moblie operation.
Power management ensures load reduction for the vehicle battery during downtimes.
Status display.
VAS 5054A Delivery Scope:
The remote Diagnosis head is supplied in a carrying case containing the following components:
1x VAS5054A Remote Diagnosis Head.
1x USB cable (VAS5054/1).
1x Optional CD with diagnostic application.
Optionally available: Recommended VAS5054/2 bluetooth adapter.
VAS 5054A Properties:
The VAS5054A is a universal dignostic interface for the vehicles of the Volkswagen Group and all OBD vehicle systems from other manufacturers.The integrated bluetooth interface connects the vehicle with a notebook,desktop PC or test system. No cables are needed for vehicle diagnostics using the VAS5054A.
The range of the wireless bluetooth connection is 5 to 10 meters,depending on the environments and the type of bluetooth adapter used on the PC side.
The Serial port Profile (SPP) is used for data transfer via bluetooth.Different bluetooth security levels are supported.
The following vehicle bus systems are supported:
K Line (ISO9141-2)
High-speed CAN(ISO 11898-2)
Low-speed CAN (ISO11898-3)
J1850 (SAE J1850)
The vehicle protocols are handled directly in the VAS5054A. This ensures fast response times and a reliable real-time behavior independently of the PC operation system.
Every time a connection is established, the VAS5054A software is synchonized with the version installed on the application PC.The VAS5054A thus automatically adopts any new features provided after a new software version has been installed on the application PC.
VAS 5054A System requirements:
To operate the VAS5054A, your computer must meet the following system requirements:
PC, notebook, 100% IBM compatible.
Operation system Windows XP service Pack 2.
Installation requires administrator rights.
The computer must have a bluetooth interface that supports the bluetooth serial port profile.
One free USB port (for special application such as configuring the VAS5054A or if wireless communication is not permitted).
The Windows NT4,Windows 98/95/ME and Windows Vista operating system are not supported by the VAS5054A driver software. To use the VAS5054A with Windows 2000