厂家直销 优质产品 大量供应 LKF系列高效送风口
 | 用途 LKF系列高效送风口其外壳用优质冷轧钢板制作,散流板表面静电喷塑,箱体表面烤漆 Use LKF series highly effective supply-air outlet its outer covering with the high quality cold rolling steel plate manufacture, drifts the board surface static electricity to spurt models, box body surface surface baking varnish | 特性 外型美观,投资少,结构简单 characteristic the outlook is artistic, invests few, the structure is simple |
LKF系列高效送风口结构示意图(LKF series of highly efficient air delivery structure diagram)

有隔板高效送风口(There are partitions efficient air delivery): 型号 (Model) | 箱体安装尺寸(Cabinet installation size)B×A×H(mm) | 过滤器尺寸(Filter Size) (mm) | 额定风量(Rated air flow) (m³/h) | 进风管尺寸(Into the air duct size) D×C(mm) | 风管连接尺寸(Duct Connection Size) E×F(mm) | 箱体外型尺寸(Box dimensions) T×S×R(mm) | 吊块间距(Hanging block spacing) P(mm) | 重量(Weight) (kg) | 侧面送风(Side air) | 顶面送风(Top surface of air supply) | LKF320 | LKF320D | 370*370*530 | 320*320*220 | 400 | 200*200 | 250*250 | 430*430*578 | 344*344 | ≈20 | LKF350 | LKF350D | 400*400*530 | 350*350*220 | 500 | 460*460*578 | 374*374 | ≈22 | LKF484 | LKF484D | 534*534*530 | 484*484*220 | 1000 | 320*200 | 370*250 | 594*594*578 | 508*508 | ≈26 | LKF610 | LKF610D | 660*660*460 | 610*610*150 | 320*250 | 370*300 | 720*720*508 | 634*634 | ≈30 | LKF820 | LKF820D | 870*650*460 | 820*600*150 | 1300 | 930*710*508 | 844*624 | ≈35 | LKF630 | LKF630D | 680*680*530 | 630*630*220 | 1500 | 740*740*578 | 654*654 | LKF726 | LKF726D | 776*534*530 | 726*484*220 | 400*200 | 450*250 | 836*594*578 | 750*508 | LKF915 | LKF915D | 965*660*460 | 915*610*150 | 500*250 | 550*300 | 1025*720*508 | 939*634 | ≈40 | LKF968 | LKF968D | 1018*534*530 | 968*484*220 | 2000 | 500*200 | 550*250 | 1078*594*578 | 992*508 | ≈50 | LKF1220 | LKF1220D | 1270*660*460 | 1220*610*150 | 1330*720*508 | 1244*634 | ≈55 | LKF945 | LKF945D | 995*680*530 | 945*630*220 | 2200 | 500*250 | 550*300 | 1055*740*578 | 969*654 | ≈50 | LKF1260 | LKF1260D | 1310*680*530 | 1260*630*220 | 3000 | 600*250 | 650*300 | 1370*740*578 | 1284*654 | ≈60 |
无隔板高效送风口(No partition efficient air delivery): 型号 (Model) | 箱体安装尺寸(Cabinet installation size) B×A×H(mm) | 过滤器尺寸 (Filter Size)(mm)(mm) | 额定风量(Rated air flow) (m³/h) | 进风管尺寸(Into the air duct size) D×C(mm) | 风管连接尺寸(Duct Connection Size) E×F(mm) | 箱体外型尺寸(Box dimensions) T×S×R(mm) | 吊块间距(Hanging block spacing) P(mm) | 重量(Weight) (kg) | LKF320F | 370*370*220 | 320*320*80 | 400 | 200*200 | 250*250 | 430*430*268 | 344*344 | ≈12 | LKF350F | 400*400*220 | 350*350*80 | 500 | 460*460*268 | 374*374 | ≈14 | LKF484F | 534*534*220 | 484*484*80 | 1000 | 320*200 | 370*250 | 594*594*268 | 508*508 | ≈16 | LKF610F | 660*660*220 | 610*610*69 | 320*250 | 370*300 | 720*720*268 | 634*634 | ≈18 | LKF820F | 870*650*220 | 820*600*69 | 1300 | 930*710*268 | 844*624 | ≈20 | LKF630F | 680*680*220 | 630*630*80 | 1500 | 740*740*268 | 654*654 | ≈22 | LKF726F | 776*534*220 | 726*484*80 | 400*200 | 450*250 | 836*594*268 | 750*508 | LKF915F | 965*660*220 | 915*610*69 | 500*250 | 550*300 | 1025*720*268 | 939*634 | ≈24 | LKF968F | 1018*534*220 | 968*484*80 | 2000 | 500*200 | 550*250 | 1078*594*268 | 992*508 | ≈32 | LKF1220F | 1270*660*220 | 1220*610*69 | 1330*720*268 | 1244*634 | ≈34 | LKF945F | 995*680*220 | 945*630*80 | 2200 | 500*250 | 550*300 | 1055*740*268 | 969*654 | ≈32 | LKF1260F | 1310*680*220 | 1260*630*80 | 3000 | 600*250 | 650*300 | 1370*740*268 | 1284*654 | ≈37 |
*可要据用户要求定制不同规格型号的过滤器 According to user requirements to customize different specifications and types of filters 温馨提示: 产品价格及属性仅供参考,详情请咨询: 朱建红(销售经理) 电话:0512-65902115 手机:13901540369 QQ:718010768(苏州力泰空气过滤器) E-mail:ltfiter@ 【购买须知】 1.本店所售产品均为原厂原包装全新正品! 2.可开17%增值税发票! 3.本店所售产品均可提供保单,签署购货合同! 4.所有产品均支持支付宝付款!请放心选购! 5.欢迎批量订货!量大从优! 苏州力泰空气过滤器有限公司 地址:江苏省苏州市相城区渭塘镇凤凰泾村 公司电话:0512-65902115 公司传真:0512-65407697 公司网址: E-mail : ltfiter@ 邮 编: 215134