一、 主要性能和结构特点(Features)
1、 外观全新设计、结构更合理、技术更先进。
New design with perfect fashion,more reasonable structure,more advanced technology.
2、 PLC控制系统、彩色触摸屏,操作方便、直观高效。
Imported PLC control system,colorful touch screen,easy operation, inuitionistic and efficient.
3、 进口伺服运膜系统,进口色标传感器,定位准确,整机性能卓越、包装美观。
Standard positioning with imported servo film transporting system and mark sensor,superexcellent capability for complete machine,perfect packaging.
4、 多种自动报警保护功能,最大限度减低损耗。
With auto warning protection function tl minimize loss.
5、 袋型多样,可为客户提供枕式袋、插角袋、挂孔袋、连袋等。
Various kinds of bag,it could provide the pillow bag,angle fold bag,hang hole bag,link bag,Etc.
二、 选配装置(Option)
Two synchronous belt device,angle angle fold device,automatic rectifying device hole-punching device,link bag device.
三、 适用范围(Application)
Suitable for automatic packaging of various kinds of leavened food candies,peanuts,seeds and such materials in grain or pieece as well as powder like milk powder,washing