Stellram cutting tools
Stellram is a melt cutting and melt finishing technology leader . It offers immediate returns for the meltalwoking industry through faster performance ,better tool life, and higher quality cutting . These innovative designs reduce production time by hours and go beyond solutions for todays's applications on high performance metals .They are changing how many companies think about metal cutting technology.
Stellram drilling tool PRH22
Stellram drilling tool HR Grade SP4036
Stellram Geometry CR Grade SP9530
Stellram Geometry CR Grade SP9336
Stellram Geometry CR Grade SP9336
Stellram 7760 VT11 cutter
Stellram milling tool 7745VT 11
Stellram milling tool 7745VS12
Stellram milling tool 7745VS12
Stellram milling tools 7745 VOD06
Stellram 7745 VOD04