品牌:金信 品名:防滑钉
规格:Φ9*Φ4.8*11 包装规格:1000个/盒

防滑钉芯是我司主要出口产品之一,它是硬质合金轮胎防滑钉的主要工作配件,与防滑钉外套装配好以后,整体固定到轮胎表面,起防滑作用。公司通过近四年的摸索和经验积累,生产工艺及质量管理办法已完全成熟。目前我司已形成高度自动化生产能力,硬质合金防滑钉月产量可达10 6000万粒/月, 现有原料月生产能力为10吨。新型螺纹雪地防滑钉,提供安卸简便,不需要专业安装工具,而且可以根据季节拆卸,不用时可以拆除待下一季再用。 在安装中要根据轮胎花纹深度选择防滑钉尺寸规格。 Carbide studs, the primary working parts of tire studs, is one of our main export products. Being assembled with the outer shell of tire studs, which can be fixed to the surface of tire as a whole for antiskid effect. Through nearly four years of exploration and experience accumulation, production technology and quality control measures of our company have been fully mature. Now our company has a highly automated production capacity, the monthly output can reach up to 10 60 million grain/month, and the throughput of existing raw material is 10 tons/month.
The new tire studs can be easily installed and removed without professional installation tools. It can also be disassembled according to the season, when not being used the snow tire studs could be removed lightly and stored for use again in the following season. Choose appropriate size of new studs in the installation process in terms of the depth of tire thread.

网 址:
传 真:0731-22332243
电 话:18975305800 申先生
Q Q: 260277759