技术参数 产品型号 JH4540加工尺寸450*400*75mm主轴电机1500w雕刻速度8000mm/min刀具φ3.175、φ4、φ6可选配指令格式HPGL\G 代码分辨率0.01mm主轴转速6000-24000rpmXYZ导轨台湾PMI直线导轨XYZ传动方式德国进口滚珠丝杆
机型特点X,Y,Z各轴均采用进口直线导轨;全模具化生产,机械稳定性有保证;机体,龙门立柱均采用整体金属铸造件,刚性好,运行平稳,机床整体振动小;X,Y,Z各轴均采用进口滚珠丝杆,滑块预紧配置,保证滑块无间隙,加工精度有保证;兼容TYPE3/ARTCAM/文泰等各种CAD/CAM设计软件;擅长对各类工件进行高效精密加工。 适用范围Application功能强劲、使用方便、坚固耐用、性能可靠、价格经济,主要应用于工业模具、精密冲模、热切模、建筑模型、广告标牌、铭牌、指示牌、胸牌印章、烫金版、PCB版、压痕板、仪表面板、电极、玉石、工艺饰品、木工制品、铁、铜、铝、塑料板等产品的加工和制作。Technical DataModelJH4540Working Area450*400*75mmSpindle Motor1.5kwMotion Speed8000mm/minEngraving
ToolsΦ3.175、φ4、φ6Dictate FormatHPGL、G CODEResolution0.01mmRotation Speed6000-24000rpmXYZ RailPMI
Linear rail made in TaiwanXYZ Driving Moderolling ball screw from GermanyOptional:
◆Rotary device
◆Floating head
◆Dust collecting
◆Cast iron table
cooling system
Distinguished Features:
◆Imported linear guiding rail for X、Y and Z axis;
◆Adopting mold production to ensure the machine stability;
◆Integral iron cast structure for machine body and gantry to ensure better ragidity、more smoothly running and less vibration for whole machine;
◆Imported rolling ball screw for X、Y and Z axis; pre-tighten system for the slider to ensure no gap for the slider and high precision for the processing;
◆Compatible with popular CAD/CAM software such as TYPE3、ArtCAM、and Artgrave etc.
◆Be good at processing kinds of materials in high efficiency and high precision;
Application :Strong functions, easy operation ,sturdy, durable realizable performance, reasonable price, rich functions ,wide application; can be used to process and make industrial mould, punching moulds and thermos dies ,construction models, sign products ,bill plates ,chest brands ,seals, metal foil moulds ,PCB, creasing plate, instrument panel, jade, graphite, electrode , wood , copper、iron、aluminum plates ,etc.