Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered SeriesPremium Machine Tool Slideway Lubricants
Product Description
Lubricants specially developed to meet the most exactin gconditions, which occur in the lubrication of machine toolslideways. They have su perior frictional pro perties toreduce stic k-slip, protect agains t wear and corrosion an deliminate staining problems.
Superior work piece finish and closer tolerances asresult of elimination of stick-slip and chatter For all structural material used for ways and slides Longer service life of machine tools Increased protection from wear of slidewa ys su pports,aprons, screws Increased rust and corrosion protection Long lubricant life in circulation s ystems of machinetools Approved by more than 200 machine tool builders
Lubrication of horizontal and vertical slideways o fmachine tools where a high de gree of precision is require dunder conditions of heavy load and low feed rates. Alsosuitable for gear drives in aprons, supports.
Controlled frictional characteristics resulting inpractically stick-slip free operation even under highloads and low speeds for any structural material Outstanding load carrying and anti-wear behaviorpermitting the use of low viscosity oil for reducingflotation low wear Effective adhesiveness agent maintains smooth initialslide way movements even after extended shutdownperiods and reduces film run off from
verticalsurfaces Excellent rust and corrosion protection, even in thepresence of aqueous coolants; T.O.F.I. (Thin Oil Filminhibition) Good oxidation stability necessary for bath andcirculation systems Exceptional separation from most water-based cuttingfluids to minimize the problems and costs of coolantdisposal
能够消除震颤及爬行的现象,使工件表面更光滑及公差更少 适用于各种制造导轨及滑动面的材料 延长机床的寿命 减少滑槽、车台、护床及螺杆的磨损 防锈及防腐蚀能力更强 用于机床循环系统中,本导轨油的使用寿命很长 超过二百家机床制造商厂认可用途适用于精密度极高,负荷重,而进给速度低之横卧或垂直导轨。亦适用于护床、车台的齿轮。
本油之摩擦特性,经过特殊的调节,故即使在负重及低速情况下,亦可避免粘着与滑动的合并动作。且适用于任何制造导轨之材料 有特殊的负荷能力及抗磨损性能,故可以采用较低粘度的油以减少滑台浮动之现 象;尚且可维持低磨损的程度 含有附着性添加剂,即使机床经长期停顿后,仍能保持导轨滑行畅顺,并能减少垂直导轨上油膜之流失 防锈及防腐蚀性能非常好,即使受水溶性切削油污染,仍能保持此种性能,含有加强薄油膜添加剂。 氧化稳定性良好,适合油浴式及循环式
润滑系统使用 与切削液有特出的分离性能,可减低切削液因受到其它滑油污染的问题和减少弃置切削液的成本