Used either solely as Rough Pumps, or in combination with other high vacuum pumps as Backing Pumps | | 3、本系列产品广泛应用于冶金、化工轻工、医药、电子与半导体工业 | They find wide application in the fields of metallurgy, chemical, light industry, medicinal, electronics and LSI industries. | 4、该泵不可用来抽含氧过高的、有毒的易爆的或与泵油发生化学作用 的或对黑色金属有腐蚀作用的气体也不可当作压缩机或传输泵使用 | They can not be used for evacuating the oxygenic, poisonous and explosive gases and gases which can react with pump oil easily. Neither can they be used as compressor and transmission pump. |