Agilent 5361B-026Pulse/CW Microwave Counter, 40 GHz The Agilent 5361B Pulse/CW Microwave Counter
offers both high-precision pulse and CW performance up to 40 GHz. With built-in frequency modulation profiling, the 5361B characterizes radar, EW, and communications systems or components. The counter makes complex measurements for the carrier frequency of agile signals, staggered PRIs, or the frequency transients in a pulsed or CW signal. It can be used to characterize radar pulses or test a Stable Local Oscillator (STALO). Functions for measuring step response, post-tuning drift, and settling time facilitate accurate and easy testing of VCOs and DTOs. The 5361B helps lower your equipment costs by eliminating the need for a separate CW counter, pulse generator and computer, and is a cost-effective choice for manufacturing and R&D. High-speed throughput saves operator time, and periodic maintenance is limited to time base calibration. * Precise pulse measurements to 20, 26.5, or 40 GHz. * PROFILE function characterizes frequency transients, modulation (such as chirp), and linearity. * Simple-to-use automatic functions include calibration, pulse averaging, and measurement display. * Scope-View provides confidence and easy setup for externally gated measurements. * Fast track measures a signal sweeping up to 800 MHz per second. * Low FM rate allows measurement of signals that vary slowly in frequency.
传 真:0755-83176509
Q Q: 1059911214
邮 编:518131
地 址:深圳市龙华新区人民南路莱蒙水榭春天7栋凤凰苑24C和24D
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可调激光源:AGILENT 81940A AGILENT 81949A AGILENT 81950A AGILENT 91980A AGILENT 81989A HP 8167B HP 8168F HP 8168E
AGILENT 81689A AGILENT 81480A/B AGILENT 81682A/B AGILENT81680A/B AGILENT 81640A/B 81642A AGILENT 81600B AQ4321A/D AQ4320D TSL-510
光谱仪:7004A/70950B 86142A/B 86140A/B 86141B 86143B 86145B 86142B MS9710A/B/C MS9740A MS9780A AQ6315E AQ6317B/C AQ6370B/C AQ6330 AQ6331 AQ6375 AQ6373 AQ6319 Q8381 Q8383 Q8384 Q8347 Q8344A
光示波器/眼图仪:86100A/B/C/D 86105A/B/C 86103A 83481A 83482A 83483A 83485A/B 83487A 86116C 54754A 86112A 86117A/B 86118A 86108A 83446A
光功率主机:8153A 8163A/B 8164A/B 1830-C 1830-R 1835-C 1936-C 1918-C 2936-C
光源模块:81551SM 81552SM 81553SM 81554SM 81650A 81651A 81652A 81653A 81654A 81655A 81656A 81657A 81663A
光功率模块:81531A 81532A 81533A 81533B 81618A 81619A 81536A 81632A/B 81633A 81634A/B 81635A 81636B
光功率探头:81521B 81525A 81524A 81623A/B 81624A/B 81625A/B 81626B 81628A/B
回损仪RM3750B RM3070B RX30701 RM3050 PS3650B ORL-55 IQ-3200 FOT-300 HP81534A 81610A 81611A 81612A 81613A 81614A
波长计:86120B/C 81622A AQ6140 TQ8325 Q8326 WA-1100 WA-1500 WA-1600 WA-1650 WA-7100 WA-7600 FTB5320
衰减器:8157A 8156A 8158B HA9 FVA-60B MN9610B
宽谱光源HP83437A 83438A
误码分析仪86130A 37717A/B/C 37718A/B/C N4903A N4906A