工作室尺寸 Dimension of the working chamber | 5、10、20、50、100立方米(客户需求定做) 5、10、20、50、100 m3(Customer demand for customized) |
测试范围Test Range | 温度范围 Temperature range | -20℃、-40℃、-60℃、-70℃~80℃(可选) -20℃、-40℃、-60℃、-70℃~80℃(Optional) |
湿度范围 Humidity Range | 5%R.H 、10%R.H 、20%R.H、30%R.H~98%R.H(可选) 5%R.H 、10%R.H 、20%R.H、30%R.H~98%R.H(Optional) |
温度精度 Temperature accuracy | ±0.1℃ |
温度均匀度 Temperature evenness | ±2℃(局部小范围内可达到±1℃) ±2℃(Partially could be ±1℃) |
湿度偏差 Humidity bias | +2/-3 %R.H |
升降温速率 Or cooling rate | 1℃、2℃、3℃、4℃、5℃/min(可选) 1℃、2℃、3℃、4℃、5℃/min(Optional) |
注:以上指标均在常压、空载条件情况下测得。 Note: The above indexes are all obtained under the normal pressure and empty running |
材质Material | 库体外壁材料 The material for the external wall | 优质彩钢板 High quality color steel board |
库体内壁材料 The material for the internal wall | SUS304不锈钢板,耐腐蚀,易清洁,美观大方 SUS304 stainless steel board, erosion resistant, easy to clean, elegant in appearance |
保温材质 Heat insulation material | 聚胺脂硬质发泡加防火PC绝缘材料(环保材料) Polyurethane hard foam plus fireproof PC insulation material.(Eco-friendly material) |
门 Door | 双开门,双面全不锈钢门边耐高温防火硅橡胶二层密封,设计反锁装置防止人员入室后被锁 Double door, all stainless steel edge on both sides, sealed with two layers of heat-resistant fireproof silicone rubber. Reversely locked device to prevent persons being locked inside the chamber. |
视窗 View window | 门上带可视窗口约300×380mm电镀膜防潮隔温观察窗 There is a view window on the door, which is about 300×380mm,and is plated for dampproof and heat insulation. |
测试孔 Test hole | 可选择安装多个¢50mm数据线测试孔 Several ¢50mm data lines test hole can be selected to install |
电源 Power | 380±10%v;50Hz、三相五线制; 380±10%v, 50Hz, 3 phase and 5 lines; |