Boiler proper adopts the arched tube plate, improving strength safety margin and simplifying the stay.
The internal threaded fire tube has a good effect of heat transference and a high heat efficiency.
The mechanization combustion is environment friendly and energy saving
The auxiliaries are completely provided and the equipment is delivered as a whole.
DZL Series Capacity 1000-20000kg/h Design pressure 0.7-2.45Mpa
DZL Series thermal power 0.7-70MW
Smoke-dust separation
The furnace separates the smoke and dust inertially. The original emission concentration is lower than the national standard, which decreases the smoke dust emission concentration.
Threaded fire tube
The threaded fire tube enhances heat transfer, narrows the shell size and increases the flexibility, which reduces the thermal stress of the welding seam of the tube tip and prevents the crack of the tube plate.
The arched tube plate
The arched tube plate can increase the flexibility of the tube plate, which reduces the thermal stress of the welding seam of the tube tip. The tension brace parts are removed to prevent the crack of the tube plate.
Wing shaped flue
It can reduce the smoke temperature of the high -temperature tube plate to avoid the boiling for over cold boiling. It can also decrease the heat load at the bottom of the boiler to avoid the crack of the tube plate and the bumps.
No- coal -leakage grate with bellows
It can make the boiler room look simple, tidy and nice. The non -leakage grate can strengthen the boiler combustion, improve combustion efficiency and be more economical.
Return water flowing to the high temp. tube plate
This can increase the scouring velocity of the current of water and decrease the water temp. to prevent the over cold boiling and the crack of the tube plate.
Induction tunnel
Increase the current of water velocity to prevent the over cold boiling and the tube explosion. The water circulation becomes more reliable.
名 称 | 单位 | 规 格 |
额定蒸发量 | t/h | 4 |
额定工作压力 | MPa | 1.25 |
额定蒸汽温度 | ℃ | 193 |
锅炉热效率 | % | 76 |
炉排面积 | m2 | 3.97 |
设计煤种 |
| Ⅱ类烟煤 |
受热面积 | m2 | 102.8 |
锅炉自重 | t | 24.8 |
外形尺寸(长×宽×高) | m | 6.5×3.3×4.5 |
DZL4-1.25 4吨链条燃煤蒸汽锅炉辅机参数:
名称 | 型 号 | 参 数 |
引风机 | Y5-47 NO6C | Q=8020-15129m3/h H=3148-2148Pa |
电机Y160L-2 | P=18.5KW | |
鼓风机 | 4-72 NO4A | Q=4012-7419m3/h H=2014-1320Pa |
电机Y132S1-2 | P=5.5KW | |
调速器 | XBL22A | 输出轴扭矩500N m |
电机YS-7124 | P=0.37KW | |
出渣机 | GBL-03 | 出渣量300KG |
电机Y90L-6 | P=1.1KW | |
给水泵 | 11/2GB-5×7 | 流量:6m3/h扬程:161m |
除尘器 | CCD-III | 处理烟气量:11380m3/h |
DZL4-1.25 4吨链条燃煤蒸汽锅炉出厂清单
序号 | 设备名称 | 单位 | 数量 | 规格 | 产地 |
1 | 锅炉主机 | 台 | 1 | DZL4-1.25-AⅡ | 永兴集团 |
2 | 分汽缸 | 台 | 1 | φ325 | 永兴集团 |
3 | 上煤机 | 套 | 1 | FS-4 | 永兴集团 |
4 | 出渣机 | 台 | 1 | GBC-4 | 永兴集团 |
5 | 电控柜 | 台 | 1 | GDK-4 | 永兴集团 |
6 | 鼓风机 | 台 | 1 | 4-72NO.4A | 青岛 |
7 | 引风机 | 台 | 1 | Y5-47-6C | 青岛 |
8 | 调速机 | 台 | 1 | GL-4 | 天津兰风 |
9 | 陶瓷多管除尘器 | 台 | 1 | TC-4 | 江苏宜兴 |
10 | 全自动软水处理器 | 套 | 1 | 500 | 美国弗莱克 |
11 | 给水泵 | 台 | 2 | 112GC5×7 | 郑州 |
12 | 烟囱 | 套 | 1 | Φ500 | 永兴集团 |
13 | 烟道 | 套 | 1 | 配套 | 永兴集团 |
14 | 报警器 | 套 | 1 | 350 | 郑州 |
15 | 炉水取样器 | 台 | 1 | 配套 | 永兴集团 |
16 | 扶梯平台 | 套 | 1 | 配套 |
17 | 出厂资料 | 套 | 1 | 配套 | 永兴集团 |
18 | 阀门仪表 | 套 | 1 | 配套 | 郑州 |
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