旋臂式起重机 Slewing Jib Crane Deustar旋臂式起重机规格可根据您不同的需要,不同的规格来制造最理想的产品。主要分为:立柱式旋臂吊、墙壁式旋臂吊、移动式旋臂吊。 The specifications of Deustar Jib cranes are non-standard. We can manufacture the most ideal product according to your requirements. Our products are pided into Fixed Pillar Jib Cranes, wall Mounted Jib Cranes and Movable Jib Cranes.
Deustar旋臂式起重机规格多、品种全,无论您对起升重量、旋转角度,臂长和功能有什么样的要求,我们都能为您提供最佳的解决方案,甚至我们有带双旋臂的旋臂式起重机。所有的规格都具有一个共同的优点:自重轻,旋臂长,起重量大。Deustar旋臂式起重机可配套供应电器附件,电动葫芦以及运行小车。其它的配件包括加大安装底板,化学螺栓。 Deustar旋臂式起重机的旋转范围为180度,270度,360度,可以被安装在任何地方。它们完全独立,是一种理想的工作岗位起重机,并适用于室外的货场和装卸平台。立柱占地面积小。对于起升净空非常小的情况下也能获得最大的起升高度。 We can provide you the idea solution with wide variety Jib Cranes to meet your requirements. We also have slewing cranes with two jibs. Our products feature high load capacities and outreach in relation to their light deadweight. We can supply electrical accessories, hoists and travling crabs and others including extension installation board, screws. It could install in any position with ranges of rotation 1800,2700,3600. They are independent working cranes specially used for outside of warehouse and platform. They occupy less floor space and obtain more lifting height for the low headroom workshop.



