我公司专业生产PVA吸水海绵!PVA吸水海绵 ---------主要用于汽车玻璃加工厂和电路板厂的清洗设备. 1.主要特点:海绵弹性好,吸水率8-10倍(自重),不开胶,不掉渣,耐溶剂及弱酸碱性能好,表观洁白柔软,经特殊防霉处理,6个月内不会发霉。国内研发生产质量高价格远远低于进口同类产品可以大大节约生产费用. 2.质量水平:我们的PVA生产技术及工艺及管理模式是从台湾引进,主要原材料聚乙烯醇从日本、台湾进口,目前产品的质量水平在中国大陆处于领先地位,可直接取代同类进口产品。 3.PVA海绵规格:(各种规格的都可以定做) 可生产产品的直径范围:R?20--- ?300mm可生产产品的长度范围:L 0---2500mm PVA吸水滚筒/吸水海绵(电路板上使用的吸水棒)/口腔手术用医药用棉/过滤筒(自来水厂使用/医药加工中过滤)(PVA材质聚乙烯醇)主要使用在橡胶冷凝、橡胶鞋底制造行业、平板玻璃、钢化玻璃的冷却(玻璃水冷却后吸水清洁)、镜面业、空调吸水、电路板水冷却后吸水清洁、油墨行业、网球场、高尔夫球等场地清洁吸水以及航天业等很广泛的领域。 PVA吸水棉: 1.使用前于水中浸泡至软(不得浸泡于80`C以上的水中),使用后于通风处晾干,使之变硬, 2.该产品具有极强的吸水能力和给水能力,吸满水后不滴水 3.该产品含有防霉剂,不会发霉,比其它任何海绵的弹性都强而且不易撕裂 4.该产品很轻,柔滑且吸水性极好; 5.适用于化妆、抹布、运动时吸汗,口腔手术中吸水吸血及清洁用。该产品极柔软,且液体吸满也不会滴出。海绵滚筒用于装饰行业电子吸水水过滤等。有很强的韧性,密度高,耐磨性高。 以上是PVA吸水海绵管,PVA吸水海绵轮,吸水海绵管,吸水海绵的详细信息,如果您对PVA吸水海绵管,PVA吸水海绵轮,吸水海绵管,吸水海绵的价格、厂家、型号、图片如有疑问,请联系我们获取PVA吸水海绵管,PVA吸水海绵轮,吸水海绵管,吸水海绵的最新信息。吸水海绵公司-吸水海绵报价
PVA海绵吸水辊简介: PVA海绵吸水辊,又称PVA海绵吸水滚轮、PVA海绵吸水辘,其用途是吸水,吸水能力强可达自身重量的6~10倍。它由亲水性高分子树脂(PVA)及发泡剂等化学物质混合保温成型。特性:连续式气孔发泡,分子内有OH基、亲水性能优、能快速吸取板面水渍,柔软性、弹性,不会刮伤表面。吸水优、耐温60℃,使用前先浸泡水中30分钟,让液体均衡渗入海绵辊内(保湿)。适用:电路板内外层、BGA、IC脚架、液晶显示器、无尘擦拭布、半导体晶圆清洗刷滚、玻璃、食品业、钢板业、游泳池、网球场清洁等......是现在最经济、吸水性特优的滚轮,兴宏发义乌橡塑制品有限公司
0579-81577932王先生18867977387 QQ1522325881
cleaning, printing ink industry, tennis courts, golf venue clean water absorption as well as a wide range of domains such as aerospace industry. PVA absorbent cotton: 1. Before use in water soaked until soft (80 ` C above shall not be soaked in the water), dry in ventilation places after use, make it become hard, 2. The product has strong ability of water absorbing capacity and water absorption after filled with water does not drop 3. The product contains fungicide, won't mildewy, better than any other elastic sponge and not easy to tear 4. This product is light, smooth and good water imbibition; 5. Suitable for cosmetic, rag, absorb sweat during exercise vampire and clean water in oral surgery. This product is very soft, and liquid soaks up also won't drop out. Sponge roller used for decoration industry electronic suction filtration, etc. Has a strong toughness, high density, high resistance to wear. Above is PVA absorbent sponge tube, PVA absorbent sponge wheel, suction pipe, sponge absorbent sponge for detailed information, if you are looking for PVA absorbent sponge tube, PVA absorbent sponge wheel, suction pipe, sponge absorbent sponge price, manufacturer, model, pictures if there are any questions, please contact us for PVA absorbent sponge tube, PVA absorbent sponge wheel, suction pipe, sponge absorbent sponge, the latest information. PVA sponge roller profile: PVA sponge roller, also known as the PVA sponge wheel, PVA sponge suction roll, its purpose is absorbing water, the waterabsorption ability of 6 ~ 10 times their own weight. It is composed of hydrophilic polymer resin (PVA) and the chemical material such as mixed foaming agent insulation molding. Features: continuous porosity foam, molecule inside OH, hydrophilic, can quickly drain board face stain, softness, elasticity, and will not scratch the surface. Water absorption, heat resistance 60℃, soak in water for 30 minutes first before use, make liquid equilibrium infiltration sponge roller inside (moisture). Applies: circuit board, both inside and outside layer, BGA, IC foot frame, LCD monitor, wipe fiber cloth, semiconductor wafer cleaning brush roll, glass, food industry, steel industry, swimming pools, tennis courts, cleaning, etc... it is now the most economic, excellent roller, water imbibition is hongfa yiwu rubber and plastic products co., LTD
18867977387 QQ1522325881 0579-81577932 Mr. Wang吸水海绵公司-吸水海绵报价