美国Ablestik 银胶84-1L
Ablebond® 84-1LMISR4 electrically conductive die attach adhesive has been formulated for use in high throughput, automatic die attach equipment. The rheology of Ablebond
84-1LMISR4 adhesive allows minimum adhesive dispense and die put down dwell times, without tailing or stringing problems. The unique combination of adhesive properties makes Ablebond 84-1LMISR4 adhesive one of the most widely used die attach materials in the semiconductor industry.
• Excellent dispensability with minimal tailing and stringing
• Box oven cure
Ablebond® 84-1LMISR4 导电粘晶胶 非常适用在高产率、自动粘晶设备 上。Ablebond® 84-1LMISR4 导电粘 晶胶的流变特性使得它可以进行最 小剂量的点胶,以及最小的粘晶停 留时间,并且没有拖尾或拉丝问 题。因此,Ablebond® 84-1LMISR4 独特的粘接性能使得它成为半导体 工业中最为常用的粘晶材料之一。
• 优良的点胶性能,具有最小的拖 尾或拉丝现象
• 箱式烘箱中固化