很高兴向大家介绍德国Schuster公司的简易型动态参数测试系统型号DSS737 (4500 V / 4000 A).用来测试IGBT组件或模块最高8000伏特, 8000安培. DSS737的短路测试电流最大达到12000安培.详述如下:
Schuster Dynamic Test Starter Set Model DSS737 with the features and parts.
-Safety Chamber with cover lock during test.
-High voltage capacitor with 250 uF / 4,000 V. Max to 4,500 V.
-高压电容250微法拉(uF) / 4000伏特.最大到4500伏特
-Discharging and safety relay circuits.
-Power supply, 50 V…4 KV / 500 mJ. Max to 4,500 V
-电源供应组件50伏特(V)… 4千伏特(KV) / 500毫焦耳(mJ).最大到4500伏特
-High Voltage Probe 4 KV with 6 KV peak capability.
-Rogowsky coil current probe with sensitivity 0.5 mV/A. maximal 12 KA.
-Gate Drive source, with programmable Driver, VH= 5…20 V, VL= 0…-15V Pulse duration programmable 2…1000 us, resolution 0.1 us. Programmable as Single or double pulse.
-可程序化栅级驱动源:高压段VH= 5到20伏低压段:VL= 0到-15伏.可程序化波宽2到1000微秒(us)分辨率0.1微秒(us)得选择单脉波或双脉波模式.
-Gate Resistor inpidual pluggable for ON and OFF.
-Copper plate assembly and connection set, designed to enable low inductive connection of HiPack (190X140 mm) in two version: Two devices in Induction load, one device in Short circuit configuration.
-铜材质接头接线板组件以配合ABB HiPak系列模块以达低电感的要求条件.两个模块一组的选择其中两个都加电感负载或一个短路.
-Pluggable inductor 50 uH.插拔式电感值50微亨利(uH)
-Control section, with LED – Display for Charge voltage, Gate voltage, pulse times and test mode. This unit controls the charge, discharge and pulse function and could be operate manual as well as via PC in the future (Option.).
-控制箱以LED显示充电(Charge voltage),栅级电压,脉波时间与测量模式.此控制箱藉由手动操作充电,放电,脉波功能.将来得联机到计算机(选件)
-Optional pluggable inductors with any value between 10 and 1000 uH.
-Optional Oscilloscope (>100MHz, >1G sampling) – User supplies.
-选用示波器–由用户提供. (例如Agilent MXO系列Tek TDS3000/4000系列LeCroy MX系列)