1000系列正压控制器1000 Positive pressure Controller
n 技术数据Technical datas
危险区域 | 可燃性气体和可燃性粉尘可能同时出现或分别出现 1区、2区、21区、22区、 |
气体或蒸汽类别 | ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC |
温度组别 | T1~T4 |
适用环境 | 户内、户外 |
运行正压范围 | 50~100Pa。 |
安全压力设置 | 50Pa,当低于正压下限(25Pa)时,自动切断电源。 |
耗气量 | 2.8-99L/h。 |
换气量 | 5倍外壳容积 |
换气时间 | 外壳容积(L)/换气流量(L/min) 单位:分钟。 |
换气流量 | >340L/min(20390L/hr)。 |
系统供气口 | G1/2外螺纹 |
壳体供气口 | G1/2内螺纹或外螺纹 |
防爆压力开关的1常开1常闭触点 | 220VAC 5A |
气源 | 经过滤、净化的0.55~0.83MPa的安全、干燥、洁净空气 |
防护等级 | IP65 |
n 正压控制器型号含义Type designnation
NO.1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
1003 |
| WPS |
| Ⅰ |
| X |
| A |
设计代号 |
| 压差开关 |
| 防爆分区 |
| 正压类别 |
| 安装方式 |
Desigen code number |
| Startup mode |
| Rated cvoltage |
| Power |
| No. of subbrach |
1003 | | WPS有 |
| Ⅰ 1区; |
| X Px型 |
| A垂直安装 |
1004 | | LPS无 |
| Ⅱ 2区 |
| Y Py型 |
| B水平安装 |
| | |
| Z Pz型 |
| |
n 正压控制器简介
1003-WPS-CⅠ-py、pz正压控制器具有开机前手动换气,换气结束后供电,当正压值低于50Pa时压力开关动作,切断电源功能。正压控制器的压力表可直接显示正压室的正压值。用户仪表、电器、电缆引入装置安装在正压室内。正压控制系统输出1常开1常闭触点,当正压值低于正压下限时,切断系统电 源。 | 1003-the WPS-C I-py, pz positive pressure controller before starting manual ventilation, ventilation end after the power supply when the pressure value is lower than 50Pa pressure switching off the power function. Positive pressure controller, pressure gauge can directly display the pressure value of the positive pressure chamber. User instruments, electrical cable into the device installed in the positive pressure chamber. Pressure control system output to a normally open 1 normally closed contact when the pressure value is lowerthan under positive pressure limit, the system is powered off. |
1004-WPS-CⅠ-py、pz正压控制器是按照GB3836.5的要求开发的,能满足新标准的所有规定,适用于ⅡA~ⅡC,T1~T4组爆炸性气体混合物1区危险场所。除具有3006系列的所有功能外,还有以下功能: 1换气流量监测 2.换气时间监测 3.换气压力监测 4.换气、运行、压力及电源指示 5.特殊情况下可实现紧急停机 | 1004-WPS-C I-py, pz series of positive-pressure controller in accordance with the GB3836.5-2004 "explosive gas atmospheres - electrical equipment - Part 5: Pressurized enclosures" p "" requirements developed to meet the new standardsall the provisions applicable to the II a~ II B, T1 to T4 explosive gas mixtures zone 1 hazardous Locations. In addition to all the features of 3006 series, as well as the following functions: 1. ventilation flow monitoring 2. ventilation time monitoring 3. ventilation pressure monitoring 4. ventilation, operation, pressure and power indicator 5. special circumstances, can achieve the emergency stop |