烤架砖(GRILL BRICK 、GRILL STONE)或烤架砖头(GRILL BRICKS),又称清洁砖(Clean brick )、烧烤砖(bbq brick),是目前市场上领先的清洗脏、残留食物镶嵌烤架清洁产品。其用无机环保材料球磨、经900℃高温烧制发泡而成。本身无毒无害,常安全用于在热铛无刮伤的清洗或刷新烧烤用具。这种砖烧清洁的整体尺寸以200mm×100mm×90mm方块形,一般12块为一件包装,一个40尺货柜可装2880件。
Grill brick is changing the way cleans grills. This remarkable grill cleaner cleans grills 4X faster then traditional wire brushes and conforms to all grill surfaces. GrillStone Grill Cleaning block is perfect for removing burnt-on food or messy grease. The GrillStone grill cleaning block may be used.

•No More Wire Brushes!
•Grill cleaning 4 times faster than wire brushes
•Non-toxic, odorless and without harmful chemicals
•May be used for grill cleaning
•Keeps your grill free from bacteria attracted by food residue
•Will not clog like wire brushes
•Outperforms wire brushes and scrub pads for grill cleaning!