工作电压 | DC 12V |
额定功率 | 2*10W |
最大功率 | 2*20W |
静态电流 | 0.01A |
工作温度 | -30-60° |
支持设备 | SD存储卡,可移动U盘 |
支持格式 | MP3 |
◆收音机播放 ◆MP3音乐播放 ◆ 防盗报警
解除防盗后,按 开启FM/MP3电源,没有SD卡时,自动进入收音状态,按 键进入FM收音自动搜台;当插入SD卡,长按 键FM/MP3转换,MP3状态时,按 播放或暂停状态。按 键关闭FM/MP3电源。
操作前状态 | 要实现功能 | 操作 | 操作后状态说明 |
平常 | 开启防盗 | 按 1 键0.3秒 | 喇叭“哔”一声,进入防盗状态。受振动时,喇叭发出报警声,按其它任意键可中止报警声,不解除防盗。 |
警戒中 | 解除防盗 | 按 2 键0.3秒 | 喇叭“哔”两声,警戒解除,可正常启动机车或播放音乐和收音。 |
防盗解除中 | 开启FM/MP3电源 | 按 键0.3秒 | 电源指示点亮, 没有SD卡时,自动开启收音, 有SD卡时,会开启MP3。 |
播放中 | FM/MP3模式转换 | 长按 键 | 须插入SD卡,长按 键,会由MP3转到FM,或由FM转到MP3。 |
FM收音中 | 自动搜台 | 按 键0.3秒 | FM进入自动搜台状态,此时静音,须等待一定时间,直到搜完后,会停在某一电台放音。 |
FM收音中 | 上调台/下调台 | 按 或 键0.3秒 | 短按 进入下一台,短按 返回上一台,当无台时,请重新自动搜台一次。 |
MP3播放中 | 播放/暂停 | 按 键0.3秒 | MP3将暂停播放,再重复按 时,MP3又开始从暂停的位置开始放音。 |
MP3播放中 | 上一首/下一首 | 按 或 键0.3秒 | 短按 进入下一首,短按 返回上一首。 |
播放中 | 音量加/减 | 长按 或 键 | 播放音乐时,长按 键,音量逐渐减小,长按 键,音量逐渐增加。 |
播放中 | 关闭FM/MP3电源 | 按 键0.3秒 | 按 键后,FM/MP3电源将被关闭,电源指示灯熄灭。 |
● 遥控器系精密制造,请勿重摔。当遥控器遥控距离变短时或指示变暗应及时更换电池,注意极性。若遥控器不慎丢失,可到本公司经销商处购买同型号遥控器,编码后即可使用。
● 本产品自购买之日起半年内质量三包,若用户自行拆开主机不予三包。
● 防盗器起增加偷窃难度、阻吓窃贼和提醒车主作用,是机车防盗的辅助设备之一,但一切安全仍需由车主自行负责。
● 主机金属外壳为功放散热元件,工作温度-30℃至60℃范围内发热是正常的,参考图片安装,确保摩托车电瓶连接正常且电量正常。
Motorcycle MP3&FM Player manual
◆Player ◆Alarm
Disarming , Press , if there is no SD card, it will become FM function automatically, Press again, it will search the channels automatically;Put the SD card in, Press long, change FM/Mp3 mode. If it is MP3 mode, Press for playing or pausing. Press for power off.
Remote Control Instruction:
Conditions | Function | Operation | Description |
Normal | Arm | Press 0.3sec | The siren will beep once, the system will be armed in the shock and vibration mode. When it is shocked for the first time, the siren will sound. Press any other buttons, the sound will stop. The Alarm is still in arming. |
In Alarm | Disarm | Press 0.3sec | The siren will beep twice, and the alarm system is disarmed. Start the engine or FM/Mp3 normally . |
Disarm | Start FM/MP3 | Press 0.3sec | The indicator LED gets lightened, if there is no SD card, FM function will begin automatically; If there is SD card, it will begin MP3. |
Playing Music | Change FM/MP3 mode | Press long time | Insert SD card, press long time, change MP3 to FM , or change FM to MP3. |
FM mode | Searching channels automatically | Press 0.3sec | FM will go to search channels automatically, it is mute, after one moment, it will play one Channel. |
FM mode | Change channel | Press or 0.3sec | Press shortly, it will go to the next channel, press , it will go to the previous channels. If there is no channel, please press to search all channel automatically. |
MP3 Playing | Play/Pause | Press 0.3sec | The MP3 music will be paused, press again it will be playing again. |
MP3 Playing | Previous song/ Next song | Press or 0.3sec | Press for the next song, Press for the previous song. |
Playing | Volume increase/ decrease | Press or long time | When the music is playing, press long time, the volume will decrease; Press long time , the volume will increase. |
Playing | Flash lamp | Press for 2-3 sec. | When the music is playing, press key for long time, the led in speaker box will flash then, if you press key for long time again, the led will stop flashing. |
Playing | FM/MP3 power off | Press 0.3sec | Press ,FM/MP3 will be powered off,the indicator LED will be gone out. |
Note :
● The remote controller is delicate, please don’t hit it hard or merge it in water.
● When the remote controlling distance is reduced and the LED is getting weaker, please change battery in time.
● Available working temperature: -20℃ to 60℃.
● Please refer to the wiring diagram.