25\海绵直切机(小型)、Vertical FoamCutting Machine(Small)
本机主要用于小型海绵的垂直切片及海绵成型的精密切片工作,同时可工各类珍珠包装材料及EVA等材料。This machine is mostly used for small foam rubber upright slicing and mulding delicate slicing,and can synchronously manufacture all kinds of EVA and EPE.
海绵三轮直切机(中型)、Vertical Foam Cutting Machine (3 Sheel)
本机主要用于小型海绵及切割高度少于300MM的EVA及蜂窝纸之类的产品的切割工作。This machine is mostly used for small foam rubber.all kinds of EVAunder 600mm and honeycomb panel upright slicing.
湿帘纸切割机 Wet Screens Cutting Machine
本机主要用于湿帘纸垂直切割及湿帘成型的切割工作。This machine is mostly used for wet screens'vertical cutting and moulded cutting
海绵直切机(高精度型)Vertical Foam Cutting Machine (Precision)
本机主要用于海绵垂直切片及海绵成型的切片工作,采用先进的直线导轨制作,切割精度相对较高。本机同时可加工各种纸类EVA及珍珠绵工作。This machine is mostly used for foam rubber's upringht slicing and moulded slicing work.This machine adopts advanced beeline track,and it'scutting is exact.This Machine may synchronously manufacture all kinds of Eva AND PEART RUBBER SECTIONS.