台州市黄岩奥通塑料模具厂,坐落于中国塑料产品的生产基地―浙江省台州黄岩,成立于1998年,专业于塑料宠物用品和塑料宠物用品模具的开发和生产。我们可以自行设计、开发、制做塑料模具,具有很强的新产品设计开发能力,95%的产品畅销美国、欧洲、巴西以及东南亚各国。 我们的主打产品如下: 1) 塑料宠物厕所系列 2) 塑料宠物房子系列 3) 狗砂盆、猫砂盆系列 4) 宠物拾便器、垃圾袋系列 5)宠物碗、喂食器、饮水瓶系列 本厂坚持宠物为本,关爱自然,与时俱进的理念,不断开发备受市场欢迎的新产品,并以最具市场竞争力的价格和迅速的交货期来完成客户的需求。我们奉行“互惠、互利、真诚、合作”的信条,竭诚欢迎新老客户的光临和垂询,与本厂建立长期友好的合作关系。
We, Taizhou Huangyan Autong Plastic Mould Factory, specialize in manufacturing plastic pet products and molds for plastic pet items. Our factory is located in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. 95% of our products are exported to the USA, Europe, Brazil, Southeast Asia and Japan. Our products are sold in Taiwan area, China.
Our main items are: 1)Plastic dog houses 2)Plastic pet toilet 3)Dog litter pans, and cat litter pans 4)Plastic pet waste settlement kits 5)Plastic pet Feeders, drinker and feeders 6)Plastic Cat furniture and accessories
Taizhou Huangyan Autong Plastic Mould Factory was established in 1998. We can design, develop and make the plastic molds by ourselves, and all products are capable to support and develop your OEM project. Through OEM service, we extend our client base quickly. We build solid and reliable business relationships between our clients and us. Welcome to contact us for more information, and welcome to visit our factory. |