■ | 清洁排气?真空 由于ISP真空泵的泵体不使用润滑油和封水,不存在润滑油的逆扩散,因而能获得干净的真空。 As ISP vacuum pumps do not contain lubricating oil or sealing water resulting in no back-migration of fluid, it ensures clean vacuum.
■ | 轻巧?紧凑 采用双层重叠的独特设计,产品轻巧紧凑。 It is light-weight and occupies minimum space because of original design called double wrap scroll.
■ | 低振动?低噪音 由于在旋转叶轮的1周期内,吸气·压缩·排气工序连续完成,因而压缩转矩的变动很小,实现低振荡·低噪音性能。 While orbiting scroll makes one turn, the process of suction, compression and exhaust proceeds continuously, resulting in a minimum pulsation which provides less vibration and low noise.
■ | 适用于广泛的压力领域 采用双层重叠方式,动态非常稳定,可适用于从大气压到最后压力的广泛压力领域。无论是大气压还是最后压力的动力变化少,可实现大气? 真空的重复连续运行。 Due to double-wrap scroll design which is dynamically stable, ISP vacuum pumps can deal with a wide range of applications ranging from atmospheric pressure to the ultimate pressure. There is little power variance between atmospheric pressure and the ultimate pressure, which allows repeated continuous operation between atmospheric pressure and vacuum.
■ | 新功能?新结构 通过改进空气闪喷器功能?密封,提高了水蒸气·异物的排泄·耐久性·维护周期 The Air Flush device has been added as a standard feature. Shaft seal configuration has also improved. Due to the Air Flush and the new shaft seal system, reliability and maintenance interval as well as evacuating performance of water vapor and small particles have been now remarkably improved. |