商用型直饮水机Commercial POU water dispenser
n 所有温水、冰水均以加热后的100℃开水经过中间冷却后再制成;
Exclusive all boiled water, to cool down to get ambient and cold water.
n 有再加热装置方便冲茶及饮料;
Supplementary heating device, to get complete hot water immediatly
n 可以观看使用总时间,判断机器使用年限;
Service period display, to checkup lifespan
n 停水自动断电,断电自动停水;
Synchronous shut-off of electric and water supply, stay safe.
n 停水断电以后可继续使用总容量约20L的开水、温水、冰水
Great capacity 20L storage tank, continued service after power cut
n 热水龙头具有安全控制装置,可避免小孩玩耍烫伤;
Child resistant safety hot faucet.
n 可实时显示冰、温、热三种水温,热控、冰控由数位控制;
Display board of Cold/ambient/hot water temperature.
n 超高水龙头,方便取暖瓶取水;
High faucet area, to fit any water bottle.
n 排水网采斜弧设计,可防止盛水时水花溅出;
Exclusive design of drip tray, never spill water
n 数字功能:当温度从100℃自然降至98℃时,电热管自动开始加热
Automatic thermostats control by temperature display board.
www.kingskywater.com /