| 规格 | 小19寸苹果款 | 19寸苹果款 | 21.5苹果款 | 22寸苹果款 | |||
| 分辨率 | 1024*768 | 1024*768 | 1280*1024 | 1440*900 | |||
显示比例 | 16:9 | 16:9 | 16:9 | 16:1 | ||||
亮度 | 400cd/㎡ | 400 cd/㎡ | 400 cd/㎡ | 400cd/㎡ | ||||
对比度 | 500 : 1 | 500:1 | 1000:1 | 1000:1 | ||||
色彩 | 16.7M | 16.7M | 16.7M | 16.7M | ||||
| 表面材质 | 雾面 | ||||||
机体工艺 | 铝合金边框设计 | |||||||
安装方式 | 镶嵌方式固定 | |||||||
机体颜色 | 银色可选 | |||||||
| 工作温度 | 0℃~55℃ | ||||||
工作湿度 | 20%~80%(不结露) | |||||||
仓储温度 | -20℃~65℃ | |||||||
仓储湿度 | 10%~90%(不结露) | |||||||
电源 | 工作电源 | AC 19-35V 50/60Hz | ||||||
额定功率 | 45W | |||||||
| 内置喇叭
| 2 * 8Ω/ 5W
| ||||||
尺寸 | 机身尺寸 | 472*320*57mm | 514*351*41mm | 557*482*43mm | 528*351*50mm | |||
其他 | 解码方案 | 182VGA/3Q-M113/8901/安卓A10 | ||||||
| 存储卡 | 标配:单机版配4GB U盘 网络版配4GB SD卡 最大支持16GB存储 | ||||||
| 门锁 | 门锁位于在机箱背部,包括上下背壳门锁和升级门锁,配套钥匙 | ||||||
| 接口 | 单机版:2路USB接口,支持互相拷贝,网络版:RJ45网口,位于机箱背面下部,可通过直连线连接交换机,一路USB ,一路输出HDMI接口 | ||||||
| 红外接收 | 可通过红外遥控器直接进行音量、亮度设置,以及单机版升级等操作 | ||||||
| 电源开关 | 默认42寸以上才有(小型尺寸客户定义) | ||||||
| 主机 说明书 遥控器 钥匙2把,合格证 保修卡 电源线4GB U盘一个
广州市和普电子有限公司于2007年成立于中国广州。公司秉承客户至上、服务致至的经营理念,以客户需求为导向,以技术创新为根本。我们从技术、团队、产品、服务各个方面保证客户价值最大化,并以此为基础,逐步建立起行业新标准,衷心期望广泛的交流合作,共同引领中国多媒体触控技术发展,为推动信息广告产业的发展、促进知识经济的崛起做出力所能及的贡献。主营产品:单、双 屏触摸查询一体机,豪华大屏触摸一体机,多媒体一体机,电子白板,液晶广告机、DID液晶屏拼接、智能液晶电视、电脑一体机、KTV点歌系统等我们的产品广泛应用于市政安防、政府管理、城市规划、院校教育、酒店管理、医疗查询、地产营销、轨道交通、数字旅游、企业展厅、银行服务,税务管理,科技馆,规划馆,博物馆,展览馆,科普馆等行业领域。和普电子,期待与您一起引领数字显示及终端展示技术新潮流!
Hope Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2007 & locatedin Guangzhou, china.Hope\'s operating philosophy is: customer first,be strict in customer sercive. we take the customer’s demand as our leading direction, take the technical innovation as the fundamental of our growth.We try our best to guarantee the customers’value maximization by updated technology, team spirit, quality assurance & good service.& on this basis, we gradually establish a new industry standard of LCD manufacturing. We sincerely expect to extensive exchanges & cooperation with you and jointly to lead the development of multimedia touch technology, to promote the development of information industry &,to promote the rise of the knowledge economy of the advertising industry .
Main products: single/ double touchscreen kiosks, luxury large touch screen machine, multimedia integratedmachine, electronic whiteboard, LCD advertising machine, LCD screen, DIDintelligent LCD TV, E-box, computer integrated machine, KTV VOD system,etc.
Our products are widely used in publicsecurity, government management, city planning, college education, hotelmanagement, medical inquiries, real estate marketing, rail transportation,digital tourism, enterprise, bank service, tax management, science andTechnology Museum, Planning Museum, museum, exhibition hall, science museum andother fields.
We are looking forward to establish long-term win-win business relations with you,to open the new era of the digital display & information industry.
联 系 人:范旭东
电 话:86 020 80543098
传 真:86 020 80543098
地 址:中国 广东 广州市番禺区 大石街植村工业一路自编12号6楼3号厂房601