钛白粉R818 品牌:济南裕兴 理化性质: 金红石型钛白粉R818是一种硫酸法制得的通用型钛白粉,白色粉末,无毒,化学性质稳定,表面经锆、铝包膜和特殊有机处理。白度、亮度、光泽度好,遮盖力、消色力强,易于分散,具有极佳的耐候性和抗粉化能力。 用途: R818钛白粉属通用型钛白粉,用途广泛,适用于高档室内涂料、高固含量漆、粉末涂料、路标漆、船舶专用漆和油墨,同时也可用于塑料(聚氯乙烯、聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯和聚氨酯等)、橡胶、造纸和皮革工业等领域。 产品技术指标: TiO2含量, %————————————≥94 金红石型转化率, %—————————≥97 颜色(与标样比)——————————不低于 白度,%——————————————≥95 消色力,与标样比,%————————≥100 105°C挥发物, %———————————≤0.80 水溶物, %——————————————≤0.5 水悬浮液PH值————————————7.0 ~ 8.0 吸油量, g/ 100g————————————≤23.0 遮盖力————————————————≤25.0 包装:25公斤/袋,纸塑复合袋包装,也可根据客户要求包装。 英文版The English version Titanium dioxide R818 Brand: jinan yuxing real The physical and chemical properties: Rutile type titanium pigment R818 sulfuric acid method, is a kind of universal titanium dioxide, white powder, non-toxic, chemically stable, zirconium and aluminum coated on the surface and special organic processing. Whiteness, brightness, good gloss, hiding power, decoloring force is strong, easy to spread, has excellent weather resistance and resistance to pulverization ability. Purpose: R818 titanium dioxide is a generic type titanium pigment, wide range of USES, suitable for high-grade indoor coatings, high solid content paint, powder coating, road sign paint, paint for ships and printing ink, at the same time can also be used for plastics (PVC, polyethylene, polystyrene and polyurethane etc.), rubber, paper making and leather industries etc. Product specifications: TiO2 content, % -- -- -- -- -- -- 94 or higher The rutile type conversion, % -- -- -- -- 97 or higher Color (with the same sample) -- -- -- -- -- not below Whiteness, % -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 95 or higher Decolorization, and the prototype, % -- -- -- -- 100 or higher 105 ° C volatiles, % -- -- -- -- -- - 0.80 or less Water soluble content, % -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.5 or less Water slurry PH value -- -- -- -- -- -- 7.0 ~ 8.0 Oil absorption, g / 100 g -- -- -- -- -- -- 23.0 or less Covering power -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 25.0 or less Packing: 25 kg/bag, paper plastic compound bag packaging, can also ording to customer requirements packaging. |