LX型电动单梁悬挂起重机与CD1、MD1型电动葫芦配套使用,成为一种有轨运行的轻小型起重机。用于机械、装配及仓库等场所。本产品为地面操作。工作环境温度为-25℃~ 40℃,禁止在易燃、易爆及腐蚀性强的环境中工作。
LX model single beam suspension motor crane and CD1、MD1 model electric hoist are used together as a complete set.It is a light duty track traveling crane with trajectory which applies to and used at machinery assembling sites and warehouses.This product adopts ground controlling and works at a temperature of -25℃ to 40℃.It is prohibited to use the equipment at combustible,explosive or corrosive environment.