ipad dock连接器转VGA线,有了这跟线,您就可以将ipad的视频信号转到投影仪,或者液晶电视上了!
The new 30-pin to HDMI to wow adapter.配件,不只是配件,对于其他品牌的产品,配件似乎并不被重视,而对于苹果而言,配件不仅是功能的延伸,也是个性的显现。这次,苹果为iPad带来了两个配件,一个是支持HDMI高清输出的转接头,和一个功能独特的保护壳。iPad 2的HDMI输出接口这款被称为“Apple Digital AV Adapter”的转接头。它的一端连接iPad 2,另一端则有着两个接口,其中一个是HDMI高清输出接口,可以将iPad 2上的内容1080p输出到高清电视上,另一个则是苹果的30针接口。这可以让用户在高清输出的时候依然可以对iPad 2进行充电。
Plug in the Digital AV Adapter (sold separately), and it works. Just like that. There are no settings to tinker with or configurations to figure out. And the adapter even works with audio. So it’s easy to focus on what you’re about to show the room. One end plugs into the 30-pin connector on iPad, the other end plugs into your HDMI cable. And the cable plugs into your HDTV, projector, or other HDMI-friendly screens you use. There’s also a second 30-pin connector to USB cable so you can charge your iPad. You’ll never have to worry about running out of power in the middle of your presentation or movie.
ipad dock连接器转VGA线,有了这跟线,您就可以将ipad的视频信号转到投影仪,或者液晶电视上了!
苹果iPad 2不仅在硬件方面让人看到新品诱人的一面,显示功能方面也得到了较大的提升,当然这不是说显示屏的效果更鲜艳了,而是iPad 2在一代基础上新增加了“镜像显示”(Display-Mirroring)功能,接上电视或显示器,你的一举一动都会映射到大尺寸显示屏上。