龚经理:13733227983 13273202050
0312-6783096 QQ:982851670太阳能路灯主要由5部分组成:
Solar Panel[edit source | edit]Solar panel is one of the most important parts of solar street lights, as solar panel will convert solar energy into electricity. There are 2 types of solar panel: mono-crystalline and poly-crystalline. Conversion rate of mono-crystalline solar panel is much higher than poly-crystalline.
LED光源: LED光源作为现代太阳能路灯照明光源,具有亮度高,能耗低,无需考虑启动功率等优点。
Rechargeable Battery[edit source | edit]Battery will store the electricity from solar panel during the day and provide energy to the fixture during night. The life cycle of the battery is very important to the lifetime of the light and the capacity of the battery will affect the backup days of the lights. There are usually 2 types of batteries: Gel Cell Deep Cycle Battery and Lead Acid Battery.
Controller[edit source | edit]Controller is also very important to solar street light. A controller will usually decide when should start charging, stop charging, start lighting and stop lighting. Some modern controller are programmable so that user can decide the appropriate chance of charging, lighting and dimming.
Pole[edit source | edit]Strong Poles are necessary to all street lights, especially to solar street lights as there are components mounted on the top of the pole: Fixtures, Panels and some time batteries. And wind resistance should also be taken into consideration when choosing the pole.