由于旧标准EN 50088即将在2008年失效,在2008年后就必须使用EN 62115新的标准。此标准有如下几点较不同于EN 50088的地方:
1. 将LED及Laser纳入且须通过IEC 60825-1的标准要求
2. 玩具的适用范围将实验型玩具(Experimental Toy)纳入标准 3. 机构部分的测试要求改用ISO 8124-1取代原标准EN71
4. 玩具的变压器需通过IEC 61558-2-7的认证
5. 实验型的玩具需标示 Warning: Only for use by children aged 8 years and older,同时需提供详细的安装与使用手册
6. 此标准不适用如下的玩具: • Toy steam engines • Scale models for adult collectors • Folk dolls and decorative dolls and other similar articles for adult collectors • Sports equipment • Aquatic equipment intended to be used in deep water • Equipment intended to be used collectively in playgrounds • Amusement machines (IEC 60335-2-82) • Professional toys installed in public places (shopping centers, stations, etc.) • Products containing heating elements intended for use under supervision of an adult in a teaching context • Portable child-appealing luminaires (IEC 60598-2-10) • Christmas decoration
