第三,应注意音箱频域动态放大限度,即当用户将音箱的音量开大并超过一定限度时,音箱是否还能再在全音域内保持均匀清晰的声源信号放大能力。 第四,要特别注意音箱箱体是否有谐振。一般箱体较薄或塑料外壳的音箱在200Hz以下的低频段大音量输出时,会发生谐振现象。出现箱体谐振会严重影响输出的音质,所以用户在挑选音箱时应尽量选择木制外壳的音箱。
信噪比 放大器的输出信号电压与同时输出的噪声电压之比。即为放大器的信号噪声比,简称为信噪声比。通常用英文字符S/N来表示,它的计量单位为分贝(dB)。信噪比越大,则表示混在信号里的噪声越小,音质量就越高。反之,放音质量就越差。信噪比是多媒体音箱中的一个重要指标,只有信噪声高、声音的重放才可能清晰、干净和有层次,多媒体音箱中,放大器的信噪比要求至少大于70Db、最好大于80dB。一般高保真放大器的信噪比要求大于或等于90dB。
频响范围 音箱的频响范围是指该音箱在音频信号重放时,在额定功率状态下并在指定的幅度变化范围内,所能重放音频信号的频响宽度。从理论上讲,音箱的频响范围应该是越宽越好,至少应该是在18HZ-20KHZ的范围。
Note what the first speaker selection, pay attention to whether the uniform sound
speaker output, as the main source of multimedia music and general
music-based game is so large proportion of which treble, bass was small.
Second, we must pay attention to acoustic positioning capability.
Speaker positioning capabilities have a direct relationship to the user
to play games, watch DVD movie spot effect. Third, the speaker should be
noted that themic amplification limit the frequency domain, that is when users open
a large volume of the speakers, and beyond a certain limit, the speaker
is also another area to maintain uniformity in the whole tone of the sound
source, a clear signal amplification capability. Fourth, we must pay special
attention to whether the speaker resonance. General box or plastic
shell thin speakers below the 200Hz low frequency output at high volume,
resonance phenomena ur. There will be serious impact on the output tank
resonant sound quality, so users should try to select in the selection of
wooden case speaker speaker. Fifth, we should pay attention to whether t
he ic nature of the chassis. As the display is very sensitive to the
surrounding ic field, the ic field if the speaker larger image on
the screen will be affected, or even decline in life expectancy led to the
display, so extra care when selecting. Sixth, pay attention to an enclosed
speaker . Because of the better speakers in an enclosed, the output
quality, the better. Leak detection method is simple, the user can hand down on
the speakers with holes, if we feel there is clear or smoke into the air out of
the phenomenon, it shows good performance of speakers closed. SNR of the amplifier
output signal voltage while the output noise voltage ratio. Namely the amplifier
signal to noise ratio, referred to as letter-noise ratio. English characters are usually S / N to indicate that its unit
of measurement in decibels (dB). Higher signal to noise ratio, then mixed with
the noise signal in the smaller, higher quality sound. On the contrary,
the worse the playback quality. SNR is the multimedia speakers in an important
indicator, only the letter of the noise high, clear sound reproduction is
possible, clean and level, multimedia speakers, the amplifier signal to
noise ratio required at least more than 70Db, preferably greater than 80dB .
General Hi-Fi amplifier signal to noise ratio requirement is greater than or equal to 90dB.
Speaker frequency response range of the frequency response range is the speaker
in the audio signal playback, the rated power state changes in the context of
the specified range, the frequency response can replay the audio signal width.
In theory, the speaker's frequency response range should be as widely as possible,
at least in the range of 18HZ-20KHZ.
Equalizer——均衡器,用于调整频率的补偿和衰减;简称: EQ
Tone Shift——音色转换;
Overdrive Contour——过载等高线;
Power Dimension——电源度数;
Line Out——线路输出;
Fuse——保险丝 。