本设备适用于各种透明pvc 包装管,及透明异型材的切断,无屑,无毛刺,无噪音,无电机.
履带牵引机 Series Material |
| | | | | | 特点及用途: Features and application : | | > 采用变频调速,一机带动、万向节联动、运转平稳、牵引稳定。 铝合金轨道式快换牵引块,并带有钢化玻璃保护罩 > Combined with plastic extruder,can be used for plastic tubular or shaped material Hauing and setting depend on customer's demand. | | | | | 主要技术参数 Main Technical Parameter | | 型号 Model
| 牵引力(N) Tracting Power | 有效长度(mm) Term of validity | 速度(米/分) Speed | 规格 Specification | 重量(kg) Weight | 外形尺寸(mm) Outer size | 三爪牵引 3 Hand Tracting | 9750 | 1850 | 0.5-6 | φ90-φ250 | 1500 | 2990×1300×2018 | 四爪牵引 4 Hand Tracting
| 13000
| 1750
| 0.5-6 | φ110-φ400 | 2000 | 3074×1480×1790 | 六爪牵引 6 Hand Tracting | 19500 | 2000 | 0.5-3 | φ250-φ710 | 3500 | 3900×2100×2330 |
系列牵引机 Series Material |
牵引机规格:二履带牵引机,三履带牵引机,四履带牵引机,六履带牵引机,八履带牵引机,十履带牵引机,十二履带牵引机,管材牵引机,板材牵引机,片材牵引机,型材牵引机等。 特点及用途: Features and application : >与塑料挤出配套,适用于塑料管材、型材、小装饰线条,同时可供不同形状物件等牵引,配置依产品特征和用户要求而定. > Combined with plastic extruder,can be used for plastic tubular or shaped material Hauing and setting depend on customer's demand. > DY型履带式塑料型材牵引机采用双履带式牵引方式,变频器调速,主要和塑料挤出机配套,用于塑料管材,软管等各种塑料型材的挤出牵引,适用范围广,使用方便。 > This machine adopts double-caterpillar traction way and SCR(silicon controlled rectifter)stepless speed regulation It is mainly used with plastics extruder to extrude and draw plastic pipe ,special shaped materials, soft pipes and other kinds of shaped materials.It is widly used in application and convenient in operation. >采用双履带式牵引方式适用范围广; >采用变频调速,速度调节范围大; >牵引速度均匀; >噪音小; >结构紧凑,外形美观。 > Adopting double-caterpillar traction way,wide application; > Adopting stepless speed regulation,large? extent of speed regulation; > Even? drawing speed; > Low? noise; > Compact? structure,fine? appearance.
- 双螺杆造粒机¥90000
- 高质量塑料管材定型¥20000
- 热切模头¥5000
- 单螺杆挤出机¥18000
- 塑料机械牵引机配件¥5000
- 全自动收卷机¥15000
- 塑料挤出机¥80000
- 塑料管材高精度切割机¥8000
- 拉条造粒,不锈钢水槽¥3500
- 塑料管材快速无屑切管机¥10000