International Leading Four Sides Direct Drives Computer Control Helical Knife Cut-off
l 采用国际的四点伺服同步驱动,高刚性设计,满足300 g/ m2-3500g/ m2纸板裁切。
l International Leading Four Sides Direct Drives,High-rigid design, meet the cutting of 300 g/ m2-3500g/ m2.
l 原装德国西门子伺服驱动控制,节能高效。
l Original Siemens servo drives control, energy efficient.
l 高性能驱动系统的同步跟踪功能,不仅能获得更高的裁切精度,而且有效的减少机器噪声,延长切刀的调整周期,提高刀具的使用寿命。
l High performance synchronization tracking drive system, achieve higher cutting precision, reduce noise efficiently ,prolong adjustment cycle and extend using life of blade.

l 幅宽:1200mm-2500mm
l Breadth(Width): 1200mm-2500mm
l 裁切精度:±1mm
l Cut Precision:±1mm
l 最高机械车速300M/min
l Max Mechanical Speed: 300M/min
l 裁切长度:500mm-9999mm
l Cutting Length: 500mm-9999mm

l 国际标准通讯接口可任意与生产管理系统链接,实现订单无隙化的连续生产。
l International standard communication interfaces can link with the production management system, to achieve continuous production.