橡胶促进剂808( VANAX808)MSDS 名称:正丁醛苯胺缩合物(butyraldehyde anilin-econdersate) 其它名称:橡胶促进剂808 结构式:C6H5-N=CH-CH2-CH2-CH3 物化性质:棕红色或琥珀色粘稠油状液体,有特殊气味。闪点135℃。溶于苯、乙醇、汽油,不溶于水。隔绝空气时贮藏稳定、否则贮藏过久,色泽变深,相对密度增加,但不影响促进效力。 用途:天然橡胶合成橡胶及胶乳用较强的促进剂,也可用作酸性促进剂的活性剂。由于其特有的活性基团可以作为热硫化橡胶,橡胶金属黏结剂和丙烯酸胶粘剂固化促进剂。在天然橡胶合成橡胶中的硫化平坦性甚宽比较适合制造厚制品以及各种耐老化产品适合于常温或低温硫化。可以广泛应用于CR,SMR,SBR,NBR,BR,EPDM等橡胶。特别适用于氯化聚乙烯橡胶CM的噻二唑硫化体系中,硫化后橡胶的撕裂强度和耐老化 耐热 耐油 阻燃性能都特别理想。硫化临界温度为120℃,最宜硫化温度范围为120—160℃。适用于含再生胶的胶料和硬质胶,不宜用于氯丁橡胶,但可用于含一氧化铅的氯丁胶浆。在胶料中分散性好,易为瓦斯炭黑所吸附,当用量高于其吸附量时,硫化胶回弹率较高。秋兰姆、胍类及噻唑类促进剂能增加其活性,与这些促进剂并用得到坚韧老化的制品。在胶乳胶料中是一种较慢的促进剂。 用法:配用氧化锌能提高硫化胶定伸强力,无氧化锌时定伸应力低,适宜制造胶丝。将其乳化后便可用于胶乳。 注意事项:有特殊气味,需在隔绝空气下贮存。
1 . Product and company identification
Product name THIS-1001 808
TELEPHONE NUMBER : +86-535-8015283
FAX NUMBER : +86-535-6371778
ADDRESS: No19Wuhan Street, yantai, shandong province, China
Chemical name Butyraldehyde, aniline reaction product.
Synonym Condensation product of butyraldehyde and aniline.
Material uses Accelerator.
2 . Hazards identification
Physical state Liquid.
Color Amber. [Dark]
Emergency overview WARNING!
Avoid contact with eyes.
Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after
Routes of entry Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.
See toxicological information (Section 11)
3 . Composition/information on ingredients
Name CAS no. %
Butyraldehyde, aniline reaction product 68411-20-1 >99
aniline 62-53-3 0.2 - 0.3
4 . First aid measures
Eye contact Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water
for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical
attention immediately.
Skin contact In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes
while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Clean
shoes thoroughly before reuse. Get medical attention immediately.
Inhalation Remove to fresh air. Keep person warm and at rest. If not breathing, if breathing is
irregular or if respiratory arrest occurs, provide artificial respiration or oxygen by trained
Ingestion If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Keep
person warm and at rest. Do not induce vomiting.
Protection of first-aiders No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training. It may
be dangerous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Notes to physician In case of inhalation of decomposition products in a fire, symptoms may be delayed.
The exposed person may need to be kept under medical surveillance for 48 hours.
Medical conditions Pre-existing disorders involving any target organs mentioned in this MSDS as being at
aggravated by over- risk may be aggravated by over-exposure to this product.
5 . Fire-fighting measures
Flammability of the product In a fire or if heated, a pressure increase will occur and the container may burst.
Extinguishing media
Suitable Use an extinguishing agent suitable for the surrounding fire.
Not suitable None known.
Special exposure hazards Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons from the vicinity of the incident if
there is a fire. No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable
Hazardous thermal Decomposition products may include the following materials:
decomposition products carbon dioxide
carbon monoxide
nitrogen oxides
Special protective Fire-fighters should wear appropriate protective equipment and self-contained breathing
equipment for fire-fighters apparatus (SCBA) with a full face-piece operated in positive pressure mode.
6 . Accidental release measures
Personal precautions No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training.
Evacuate surrounding areas. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from
entering. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Avoid breathing vapor or mist.
Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is
inadequate. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8).
Environmental precautions Avoid dispersal of spilled material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains
and sewers. Inform the relevant authorities if the product has caused environmental
pollution (sewers, waterways, soil or air).
Methods for cleaning up
Small spill Stop leak if without risk. Move containers from spill area. Dilute with water and mop up
if water-soluble. Alternatively, or if water-insoluble, absorb with an inert dry material and
place in an appropriate waste disposal container. Dispose of via a licensed waste
disposal contractor.
Large spill Stop leak if without risk. Move containers from spill area. Approach release from
upwind. Prevent entry into sewers, water courses, basements or confined areas. Wash
spillages into an effluent treatment plant or proceed as follows. Contain and collect
spillage with non-combustible, absorbent material e.g. sand, earth, vermiculite or
diatomaceous earth and place in container for disposal according to local regulations
(see section 13). Dispose of via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Contaminated
absorbent material may pose the same hazard as the spilled product. Note: see section
1 for emergency contact information and section 13 for waste disposal.
7 . Handling and storage
Handling Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8). Eating, drinking and
smoking should be prohibited in areas where this material is handled, stored and
processed. Workers should wash hands and face before eating, drinking and smoking.
Do not ingest. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid breathing vapor or mist.
Keep in the original container or an approved alternative made from a compatible
material, kept tightly closed when not in use. Empty containers retain product residue
and can be hazardous. Do not reuse container.
Storage Store in accordance with local regulations. Store in original container protected from
direct sunlight in a dry, cool and well-ventilated area, away from incompatible materials
(see section 10) and food and drink. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready
for use. Containers that have been opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright
to prevent leakage. Do not store in unlabeled containers. Use appropriate containment
to avoid environmental contamination.
8 . Exposure controls/personal protection
Ingredient Exposure limits
aniline OSHA (United States, 1996). Absorbed through skin.
TWA: 2 ppm
ACGIH (United States, 1996). Absorbed through skin.
TWA: 2 ppm
ACGIH TLV (United States, 1/2009). Absorbed through skin.
TWA: 7.6 mg/m³ 8 hour(s).
TWA: 2 ppm 8 hour(s).
OSHA PEL (United States, 11/2006). Absorbed through skin.
TWA: 19 mg/m³ 8 hour(s).
TWA: 5 ppm 8 hour(s).
OSHA PEL 1989 (United States, 3/1989). Absorbed through skin.
TWA: 8 mg/m³ 8 hour(s).
TWA: 2 ppm 8 hour(s).
Recommended monitoring If this product contains ingredients with exposure limits, personal, workplace atmosphere
procedures or biological monitoring may be required to determine the effectiveness of the ventilation
or other control measures and/or the necessity to use respiratory protective equipment.
Engineering measures No special ventilation requirements. Good general ventilation should be sufficient to
control worker exposure to airborne contaminants. If this product contains ingredients
with exposure limits, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation or other
engineering controls to keep worker exposure below any recommended or statutory
Hygiene measures Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling chemical products, before
eating, smoking and using the lavatory and at the end of the working period. Appropriate
techniques should be used to remove potentially contaminated clothing. Wash
contaminated clothing before reusing. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers
are close to the workstation location.
Personal protection
Respiratory Use a properly fitted, air-purifying or air-fed respirator complying with an approved
standard if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Respirator selection must be
based on known or anticipated exposure levels, the hazards of the product and the safe
working limits of the selected respirator. Recommended: Vapor and dust respirator.
Hands Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be
worn at all times when handling chemical products if a risk assessment indicates this is
Recommended: Protective gloves should be worn under normal conditions of use.
Eyes Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should be used when a risk
assessment indicates this is necessary to avoid exposure to liquid splashes, mists or
dusts. Recommended: splash goggles
Skin Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task being
performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist before handling
this product.
Recommended: lab coat
Environmental exposure Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure they
controls comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. In some cases,
fume scrubbers, filters or engineering modifications to the process equipment will be
necessary to reduce emissions to acceptable levels.
9 . Physical and chemical properties
Physical state Liquid.
Color Amber. [Dark]
pH Not available.
Boiling/condensation point Not available.
Melting/freezing point 0°C (32°F)
Flash point Closed cup: ≥95°C [Pensky-Martens.]
Auto-ignition temperature Not available.
Vapor pressure 1.2 kPa (9 mm Hg)
Density 0.95 g/cm3
Solubility Insoluble in the following materials: cold water.
Partition coefficient: n- Not available.
Viscosity Not available.
Vapor density Not available.
Evaporation rate Not available.
10 . Stability and reactivity
Chemical stability The product is stable.
Possibility of hazardous Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reactions will not occur.
Hazardous polymerization Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous polymerization will not occur.
Conditions to avoid No specific data.
Materials to avoid No specific data.
Hazardous decomposition Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous decomposition products should
products not be produced.
Incompatibility with various Reactive or incompatible with the following materials: oxidizing materials and acids.
11 . Toxicological information
Acute toxicity
Conclusion/Summary Oral Approximate Lethal Dose (ALD): 2250 mg/kg (rats)
Chronic toxicity
Conclusion/Summary Not available.
Skin May cause skin irritation.
Eyes Causes eye irritation.
Skin Not a sensitizer.
Conclusion/Summary Not available.
Product/ingredient name ACGIH IARC EPA NIOSH NTP OSHA
aniline A3 3 - - - -
Conclusion/Summary Not available.
Conclusion/Summary Not available.
Reproductive toxicity
Conclusion/Summary Not available.
12 . Ecological information
Environmental effects No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Aquatic ecotoxicity
Conclusion/Summary Not available.
Conclusion/Summary Not available.
Other adverse effects No known significant effects or critical hazards.
13 . Disposal considerations
Waste disposal The generation of waste should be avoided or minimized wherever possible. Empty
containers or liners may retain some product residues. This material and its container
must be disposed of in a safe way. Dispose of surplus and non-recyclable products via
a licensed waste disposal contractor. Disposal of this product, solutions and any by-
products should at all times comply with the requirements of environmental protection
and waste disposal legislation and any regional local authority requirements. Avoid
dispersal of spilled material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains and
Disposal should be in accordance with applicable regional, national and local laws and regulations.
14 . Transport information
Regulatory UN number Proper shipping Classes PG* Label Additional
information name information
DOT Classification Not - - - -
TDG Classification Not - - - -
ADR/RID Class Not - - - -
IMDG Class Not - - - -
IATA-DGR Class Not - - - -
PG* : Packing group
15 . Regulatory information
HCS Classification Irritating material
Target organ effects
U.S. Federal regulations United States inventory (TSCA 8b): All components are listed or exempted.
SARA 302/304/311/312 extremely hazardous substances: No products were found.
SARA 302/304 emergency planning and notification: No products were found.
SARA 302/304/311/312 hazardous chemicals: No products were found.
SARA 311/312 MSDS distribution - chemical inventory - hazard identification:
Butyraldehyde, aniline reaction product.: Fire hazard, Immediate (acute) health hazard,
Delayed (chronic) health hazard
Clean Water Act (CWA) 311: aniline
CERCLA: Hazardous substances.: aniline: 5000 lbs. (2270 kg);
SARA 313
Product name CAS number Concentration
Form R - Reporting aniline 62-53-3 0.2 - 0.3
SARA 313 notifications must not be detached from the MSDS and any copying and redistribution of the MSDS shall
include copying and redistribution of the notice attached to copies of the MSDS subsequently redistributed.
State regulations Connecticut Carcinogen Reporting: None of the components are listed.
Connecticut Hazardous Material Survey: None of the components are listed.
Florida substances: The following components are listed: aniline
Illinois Chemical Safety Act: None of the components are listed.
Illinois Toxic Substances Disclosure to Employee Act: None of the components are
Louisiana Reporting: None of the components are listed.
Louisiana Spill: None of the components are listed.
Massachusetts Spill: None of the components are listed.
Massachusetts Substances: The following components are listed: ANILINE
Michigan Critical Material: The following components are listed: aniline
Minnesota Hazardous Substances: The following components are listed: aniline
New Jersey Hazardous Substances: The following components are listed: ANILINE;
New Jersey Spill: None of the components are listed.
New Jersey Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act: None of the components are listed.
New York Acutely Hazardous Substances: The following components are listed:
New York Toxic Chemical Release Reporting: None of the components are listed.
Pennsylvania RTK Hazardous Substances: The following components are listed:
Rhode Island Hazardous Substances: None of the components are listed.
California Prop. 65
WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.
Ingredient name Cancer Reproductive No significant risk Maximum
level acceptable dosage
aniline Yes. No. Yes. No.
International regulations
International lists Europe inventory: All components are listed or exempted.
Canada inventory : All components are listed or exempted.
Australia inventory (AICS): All components are listed or exempted.
China inventory (IECSC): All components are listed or exempted.
Japan inventory: All components are listed or exempted.
Korea inventory: All components are listed or exempted.
New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals (NZIoC): All components are listed or exempted.
Philippines inventory (PICCS): All components are listed or exempted.
Additional Information None