Automatic central-filled soft-milk candy producing line
JRT -38奶糖生产线是根据近年来糖果生产及消费市场的变化,随着人们生活水平的提高,对糖果口味的要求正在向感性、低糖、多花色、营养保健的发展需要。我公司引进国外技术开发的夹心奶糖生产设备。
JRT-38 central-filled sofy candy production line is one of the main products of our company. It was introduced and developed ording to the demands of the customer that are tasty, functional, colourful, nutritional, etc,.This soft-milk production line can reach to the advanced technology in appearance and performance all over the word.
本设备特点: |
- 真空熬糖和充气搅拌自动控制交替进行;
- 独特设计的充气搅拌装置保证提高产品的品质;
- 生产能力可达每小时300公斤;
- 卫生结构设计;
- 同步自动控制夹心/挤出/拉条;
- 链式成型可在线完成不同形状奶糖的生产;
- 输送链带和冷却系统保证糖果输出;
- 可生产奶糖,“夹心”奶糖,太妃糖,怡可莲等;