硬铝气体减压器:单级式膜片减压结构,加厚橡胶膜片,保证输出压力的稳定,适用于 非 腐蚀性气体、具有适用面广、性能稳定、性价格比高。
Duralumin gasreducer:single stage type diaphragm pressure-reducing structure and Thicken rubber diaphragm are suitable for non- corrosive gas,standard gas, it could ensure the steady output pressure, it hascharacterristics of big scope of application, steady performance and good cost performance.
设计特点: Design characteristics
1、单级式减压结构。 1、single stage type pressure-reducing structure .
2、内设烧结金属过滤网。 2、Internal sintered metal filter screen .
3、内部结构无死角易吹扫。 3、Internal sintered metal filter screen.
4、可采用墙式与面板式安装。 4、Wall and panel mounted.
5、专业的氧化技术处理。 5、Professional oxidation technology treatment.
适用范围:非腐蚀性气体 、一般工业气体、实验测试气体、气体吹扫系统。
Scope of application: Non -corrosive gas ,general industrialgas, test gas and gas purging system.
产品参数:最大输入压力(PSIG) :2250
parameter:The maximum output pressure(PSIG):2250
输出压力(PSIG): 0-9 0-150-30 0-60 0-90 0-142 0-185
Output pressure(PSIG): 0-9 0-15 0-30 0-60 0-90 0-142 0-185
材质 Material quality
母体:硬铝 BRASS parent population:Duralumin BRASS
膜片:氯丁橡胶 Diaphragm:Chloroprene rubber
过滤网:铜 Filter screen:brass
阀座:黄铜 Valve seat:brass
阀芯顶杆:SUS304 Spool ejector:sus304