DP型潜水混流泵 大流量潜水混流泵 大流量排污泵 大流量潜水泵
DP type HQB type axial-flow submersible mixed-flow pump the renwal proud ucts taking the place of traditional pump motor unit,withfollowing visual features:
◇ By reason that the pump can run in ghe water,it is helpful for simplifying the car th work and b uilding
engineering of pumping station. Reducing installation area,and saving 30-40%of project total price.
◇ For integration of water pump and motor,it is unwanted to perform axin-to -center assembly procedure on
site,very conve nicnt and expedtions to install
◇ Low noise,no high temperature brought in ghe pumping station,it is available in building full under ground
pumping station according to requirements to keep the ground environment.
◇ Convenien in operation. it is not necessary to lubricate the rubber bearing of bump prior to lubricate the rubber
bearing of bump prior to turing on the maching ,in addition.Remote control and auto control are realized.
◇ Can solve te flood resistance problem of the river and lake with alrge fluctuation of water level.
◇ DP type submersible axial-flow pump is suitable for the occasion of low bead and large flow,and DP type
submersible mixed-flow pump is of high eff iciency and perfect cavitation perfomance,suitable for the occasions of
large fluctuation of water lever and high head.THE transmission medium is the water or other liquid similar to the
water on physical and chemical property,the max temperature of transmitted liquid is 40℃
◆ 由于泵潜入水中运行,大大简化了泵站的土工及建筑结构工程,养活安装面积,可节省工程总价的30-40%
◆ 由于水泵和电机一样,无须在现场进行轴对中民的装配工序,安装方便,快速。
◆ 噪声低、泵站内无高温,改善工作条件,也可按要求建成全地下泵站,保持地面的环境风貌。
◆ 操作方便,无须在开机前润滑水泵的橡胶轴承,而且可实现遥控和自动控制。
◆ 可解决在水位涨落大的沿江,湖泊地区建泵站的电机防洪问题。
◆ DP型潜水电泵,可供农田排灌,工太船钨,城市建设,电站给排水用.DP型潜水混流轴流泵适用低扬程,大流量场合,
◆DP型潜水混流泵效率高,汽 蚀性能好,适用水位变动较大及扬程要求较高的场合.输送介质为水或物理化学性质类似于水的其他液体,其最