从1970年成立至今,Primarc的UV固化技术一直处于领先地位,被认为是该行业的世界领导者。Primarc的总部在英国,是世界上最大的制造灯管厂家之一。专门生产手工制作的高质量的UV固化灯管。1999年,为了更好地服务最终用户和设备制造商,Primarc在美国新泽西州的Phillipsburg创建了一个新的工厂。另外,Primarc有一个全球性的销售网络。而且,作为诺信公司的一部分. Primarc提供全球的销售支持,即使是最复杂的应用。我们也可根据您的特别要求制造出灯管和变压器。
UV应用的范围在日益扩大,复杂固化灯管的需求也在快速增长,有着几十年的专业经验。Primarc UV Technology将一如既往地致力于设计,生产和固化技术的革新。
The continuous research devoted to UV technology over the lastfew decades has ounted for its development from a technological innovation into a widely-used process for printing and coating surfaces. As the technology has advanced, the UV market has dramatically espanded and now includes a wide variety of industrial applications,ranging from the curing of inks and coatings for quality print,to applications in wood, glass and plastic finishing ,metal decorating, fibreoptics ,CD/DVD manufacturing and electronics.
Primarc has pioneered UV curing technology since 1970 and is recognised asa world leader in the field. Specialising in the manufacture of handcrafted, high quality ultraviolet curing lamps,Primarc's UK headquarters house one of the world's largest specialist UV lamp manufacturing facilities. In 1999,Primarc established an additional manufacturing facility in Phillipsburg, New jersey to supply end users and original equipment manufacturers
throughout the U.S.A. In addition,Primarc has a world-wide distribution network and as part of Nordson Corporation, offers global representation and support.
Primarc UV curing lamps are designed and manufactured as direct replacement lamps or to meet the specific needs of original equipment manufacturers world-wide.From our extensive range of lamps-mercury,metal halide, electrodeless-we can meet virtually all your UV curing requirements. We can also work with you to develop a lamp and transformer power supply for your inpidual needs, even for the most complex of applications.
The scope for UV applications grows daily and with it the demand for increasingly sophisticated curing lamps. Building on decades of experience, one company is committed to continuing innovation in design, performance and curing technology, Primarc uv Technology.
所有Primarc紫外线固化灯是采用超高清晰度水晶制造的,虽然昂贵,但水晶对紫外线灯有超高清晰度的功能,尤其是短波最终范围,超过90% PRIMARC公司提供高品质的UV灯 其产品可以满足所有行业和应用提供海德堡胶印机对应的UV灯16KW13KW11KW日本EYE对应的UV灯管 现货供应
PM774(11KW) CD-1955 PM988(13KW) PM2824(6610AP44 5KW)PM2823(6812AP43 4KW)
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