西电高压, JDZ9-35Q、JDZX9-35G电压互感器 【15kV-35kV 电压互感器】 JDZ9-35系列 (JDZ9-35Q) (JDZX9-35G)电压互感器,15-35kV电流、电压互感器 概述和型号含义 Description and Meaning ofModel ·本型电压互感器采用环氧树脂浇注成形,为支柱式全封闭结构,适用于额定频率50Hz或60Hz,额定电压35kV户内装置的电力系统中作电压、电能测量和继电保妒使用,可装在KYN-35型及其它各种高压开关柜上。
.This transformer is epoxy resin casted with totally-enclosed structure and full insulation. It is designed foruse ofmeasurement ofvoltage ,electronic energy and relay protection in the indoor power system with rated frequency 50Hz-60Hz and rated voltage 35kV.
结构特点 Characteristic of structure:
·本型电压互感器为环氧树脂全封闭浇注式结掏.耐污秽及潮湿,也适宜于热带地区使用,互感器不需要特别维护,只需定期地清除表面污秽,由于互感器采用全封闭浇注绝缘.尺寸小,重量轻.适宜于任何位置.任意方向安装。二次出线端子有接线端子盒.端子盒有三个不同方向均可引出二次钱,接线方便,安全可靠,并能实现防窃电措施。 .This products is epoxy resin casted with totally-enclosed structure. Anti-p口llution and moisture-proof ,it is suitable the usagc in the tropic zonc, no need special maintenance ,clear the dirt termly,small size and light weight,it could be installed at any position and direction. There is termina1 box bcside the sec口ndary outlct terminal,it could elicit the secondary connection at the thrce directions,thc conncction is very convenient,and the box could present someone from steeling the power elcctricity.
技术参敢 Technical data
·产晶标准: GBI207-2006; ·污秽等级: II级; ·负荷功率因数: COS Φ=O.8 (滞后); ·其它技术参数见下表: