概述 ·本型电压互感器是户内环氧树脂浇注半封闭式产品,适用于交流50Hz ,额定电压10kV及以下的电力系统中,不但可以作电压、电能测量而且为操作机构提供操作电源。 .This transformer is indoor type,it is semi-closed s位ucture with epoxy resin casted. It is designed for use of mea.surement ofvoltage ,electronic energy and relay protection in the power system with rated frequency
结构特点 Characteristic of structure: ·本型互感器为环氧树脂半浇注全绝缘结构。铁芯采用优质冷轧硅钢片叠装而成。互感器绝缘主要由环氧树脂组成,体积小、重量轻,安装方便。一次绕组引出钱端子的标志为 A、B; 二次绕组引出线端子的标志为 a、b (或la lb;2a 2b) 均在浇注体上清晰注成。在夹件上的接地标志旁有接地螺栓,下部支架供安装使用,整体结构紧凑,使用方便。 .JDZC1-6,10 type voltage transformer is epoxy resin casted for semi-closed structure. The core adopts high grade steel piece. With smal1 size, light weight,smal1 space for instal1ation,Al1 windings are completely cast阜d in the epoxy resin,anti-impu1se and resist mechanism pressure. Keep windings without moisture. The down-lea.d terminal remark of the primary windings is A,B; the down-lead terminal remark ofthe secondary windings is a,b; these remarks are clearly casted tbe surface ofthe product.
技术参数 Technicai data ·产品标准: GB1207-2006; ·污秽筹组: II级; ·负荷功率因数: COS Φ=O.8(滞后 ) ; ·其它技术参参见官网参数www.jtzm.net
.Standard:GB1207-2006; ti-Pollution: II Class; .Power factor ofload:COS (T 0.8 (lagging) .Other technical parameters refer to the datum of table.