主要功能与特性Function and Features 温度变送器是利用铂电阻(铜电阻等)的阻值随温度改变的特性将温度的变化转变为电压的变化,再经直流隔离变换,得到与输入(温度传感器)完全隔离的对应于被测点温度的直流电压或电流输出的仪器。
注意事项Notice 1 建议连接线使用屏蔽线,且电源线、输入线和输出线相互分离; Shielded cables are recommended and cables of the power supply, input and output shall be separated; 2 使用环境应无导电尘埃和无腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘的气体存在,海拔高度小于2500米; The operating environment allows no electric dust or gases that corrodes metal or destroys insulation. The altitude is less than 2500m; 3 产品出厂时已调好零点和精度,请勿随意调整。 Don’t modify Zero and accuracy which have been calibrated by the manufacturer.