ST公司的8位STM8S103k3/903k3/003k3/及f2/f3系列MCU有32位存储器接口和三级流水线,在24MHz时可达到20MOPS的性能. STM8S把内核的高速高性能和有多种外设的代码效率组合在一起,同是集成了真正的EEPROM,从而简化了仿真,降低了系统成本和开发时间,增加了工业应用和家用电器的性能.本文介绍了STM8S103系列MCU的主要性能.
STM8S103F3 概述
The STM8S103F3 access line 8-bit microcontroller offers 8 Kbytes Flash program memory, plus integrated true data EEPROM. The STM8S microcontroller family reference manual (RM0016) refers to the STM8S103F3 as low-density.
STM8S103F3 参数
RAM: 1kB
E2PROM: 640B
A/D Converter: 5x10-bit
12 or 16-bit timers: 2x16-bit
IC/OC/PWM: 7/7/7
8-bit timer: 1x8-bit
Other timer: 2 x WDG, beep
Serial Interface: 1xSPI/1xI2C/1xUART (IrDa/ISO7816)
I/Os (High Current): 16(12)
Supply Voltage: 2.95-5.5V
Touch sensing: Yes
Channelsmax: 12
封装与引脚: TSSOP20
STM8S103F3 特性
·Reduced system cost
·Integrated true data EEPROM for up to 300 k write/erase cycles
·High system integration level with internal clock oscillators, watchdog and brown-out reset.
·Performance and robustness
·16 MHz CPU clock frequency