1、 旋转挡板手轮,可以调节挡板的前后距离,以控制切除根茎的大小。
2、 挡板输送带自动输送切割根茎,速度快,效率高。
3、 设备实行无易损件设计,使用寿命更久,成本更低,效率更高。
4、 304不锈钢主体及外壳,更符合国际卫生标准。
1、 启动电源开关,电机开始工作。
2、 启动输送开关,输送带开始运转。
3、 将蔬菜根茎整齐靠近挡板位置,置放于水平运转的输送带上,输送带将蔬菜自动进给至高速旋转的园切刀处,进行切削。
SQY JQ - type 1 needle mushroom root cutting machine is suitable for the needle mushroom, green Chinese onion, celery, rape, spinach, the isometric profile root vegetables resection, the machine has the following features:
1, the rotary baffle the handwheel, can adjust the before and after of the baffle distance, to control the size of the removal of roots.
2, automatic baffle belt conveyor cutting roots, quick speed, high efficiency.
3, equipment design without wearing parts, longer service life and lower cost, higher efficiency.
4, 304 stainless steel body and the shell, more in line with international health standards.
Second, the equipment used
1, start the power switch, the motor starts to work.
2, start, transfer switch, conveyor belt running.
3, place neat vegetable roots near baffle, placed in the level of operation of conveyor belt, conveyor belt will automatically feed to the high-speed rotation of garden vegetables cutter, cutting.