工作原理:特制的输送带和压料机构将物料按设定的距离作步 进移动,高速直线运动的切刀机构的切刀机构在输送带上切断物料,符合GMP要求。
主要用途:用于所有叶、皮、藤、根、草、花类和大部份果实、种子类药材或农产品、 水产品、食物切制加工,可切制0.5-20mm范围内片、段、条等一般饮片。
用途举例:麻黄、甘草、黄芪、枳壳、柴胡、丹皮、杜促、生地、 灵芝、人参、红枣、勺药、黄柏、厚朴、独活、青风藤、柿蒂、辣椒、白术、 鱼腥草等动植药材,鱿鱼、墨鱼、鳗鱼、海带等水产品。
主要特点:切断长度无级可调,所有传动部件位于机器两侧, 输送带与切刀机构下侧装有接料盘,因此整机不漏料,便于水清洗, 易操作、易维护,不污染物料。
刀门宽度:260mm 切刀频率(time/min):150~400 整体重量:400Kg 参考产量(Kg/h):20~800
功率/电压:1.5kw/380V7 切刀高度:56mm 尺寸:2000× 800×1300(mm)
How it works: a special conveyor belt and the pressure mechanism will be set according to the distance of material make stepping movement, high speed linear motion of the cutter institutions of cutter institutions cut the material on the conveyor belt, in line with the GMP requirements.
Main application: used for all leaves, skin, cane, root, grass, flowers, and most of the fruit, seeds, herbs or agricultural products, aquatic products, food processing, cutting system within the scope of 0.5 to 20 mm piece of article, paragraph, such as general slices.
Use, for example: Chinese ephedra, liquorice, astragalus root, bitter orange, promote, radix rehmanniae, radix bupleuri, cortex moutan, du, ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, red jujube, spoon, cortex phellodendri, magnolia bark, live alone, orientvine stem, chili, atractylodes, cordate houttuynia, such as dynamic plant medicinal materials, squid, cuttlefish, eel, seaweed and other aquatic products.
Main features: to cut off the stepless adjustable length, all transmission parts in the machine on both sides, side is equipped with the conveyor belt and cutting knife under tray, so the machine does not leak, convenience of water to clean, easy operation, easy maintenance, no pollution materials.