东莞商标切断机 全自动电脑裁切机 切断机批发厂家 裁切机订做 咨询热线:0769-88841377 13712149455 万先生
商标切断机(帶传感功能)\ 全电脑商标切唛机Automatic label mark machine编号:WL-42b
功能特点Functional characteristics:
◆本机可进行热/冷切功能转换,切丝带不散口,可直/斜切,不需换刀; 整机体积小,占用空间小; This machine can switch over between hot and cold cutting; small size requires small space;
◆ 智能控制,中英文数字显示,设置方便,操作简单,在(1-999.9mm)内可切任意长度;浅底深字,深底浅字均可准确识别; Smart control, digit display, easy setup and operation, length can be freely adjusted ranging 1-999.9mm; light under color and dark color characters and dark under color and light color characters can be easily recognized;
◆剪切长度精确、高清度电眼追位、性能稳定、速度快,以40mm单长每分钟可切250个。 Accurate cutting length, clear marks for scanner, stable performance, fast speed, 250 pieces can be cut for single length of 40mm.
◆可切出如下形状The following forms can be cut out:
1)直切Straight cutting
2)斜切Inclined cutting
3)平行切,45~135度任调Parallel cutting, 450 free adjustment
4)燕尾切Coattail cutting