ZH-1200G Automatic Crash Lock Bottom
Folder Gluer with Prefold 全自动预折勾底糊盒机
ZH-1200G folder gluer is specially designed for large straight line box, large pre-fold box and large crash lock bottom box. Its feeding width can be up to 1000mm. Larger sized folding section will increase the folding and gluing accuracy, and thus decrease the
trumpet mouth box forming on the older generation model. Upper belt of ZH1200G can be adjusted separately, and thus for E corrugated box, the trumpet mouth box forming
phenomena will also be decreased. Its motor can be separately independently and makes the collecting effect better. It is ideal equipment for large box packing factories.
WEN ZHOU YOU TIAN Packing machine CO.,LTD.
电话(TEL):0577-88137001 传真(FAX):0577-88138007
邮编(P.C.):325003 QQ:426496071
Http//: www.0577yt.com