安装移动方便 Characterisics
Prolling precision is high;
Hot-cutting efficiency is high;
Installation and movement is convvenient. 用途
该生产线主要用于PVC等塑料热切造粒。 Application:
The production line is mainly used in hot-cutting of PVC and other plastic. 主要技术参数 Main Technical Standards: 型号 SJSZ80 SJSZ65 SJSZ45 装机功率Power: 100kW 90kW 75kW 生产能力Production capacity: 350kg/h 280kg/h 120kg/h 切粒直径Grain diameter: Φ200mm Φ200mm Φ180mm 生产线总长Total length of production line: 15m 15m 12m